Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, review hearings.

SB 1242 Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, review hearings

Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, review hearings.

About SB-1242

Geriatric prisoners; conditional release; review hearings. Directs the Parole Board to review annually all petitions for geriatric conditional release. The bill provides that the Parole Board may, however, defer subsequent hearings for up to three years if an initial hearing was held and the petition for conditional release was denied. The bill also requires that, in situations in which a person who is otherwise eligible for parole under current law also files a petition for geriatric conditional release, the Parole Board conduct the reviews for such parole and conditional release at a single hearing.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/10/2023

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Sponsors (1)


Senate: Passed by indefinitely in Rehabilitation and Social Services (8-Y 6-N)


Yeas: 8 | Nays: 6
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Passed By Indefinitely In Rehabilitation And Social Services (8-y 6-n)


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/23 23102607d


Referred To Committee On Rehabilitation And Social Services
