State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Revisions and Budget Bill Appropriations

SB 472 State Personnel Collective Bargaining Revisions and Budget Bill Appropriations

Maryland 2022 Regular Session

State Personnel - Collective Bargaining - Revisions and Budget Bill Appropriations

About SB-472

Altering the collective bargaining process for State employees, including by requiring the selection of a neutral arbitrator to oversee all aspects of collective bargaining, establishing a process of arbitration in the event of impasse, and providing that certain decisions of a neutral arbitrator are binding; requiring that each budget bill contain the appropriations necessary to implement all terms and conditions of employment in certain memoranda of understanding for the next ensuing fiscal year; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/27/2022

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Sponsors (1)

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Bill Sponsors


First Reading Budget And Taxation And Finance


Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. (budget And Taxation)
