
State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2025 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to property fees. [HB-608]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 75 to define "premises"; allow a fire protection district or subdistrict, or a volunteer fire department district, to assess a fee against a premises for the costs of maintaining necessary fire protection measures; establish billing and appeals process; set reporting requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 75A to define "premises"; allow a consolidated emergency services district board to assess a fee against a premises for the costs of maintaining necessary fire protection measures; establish billing (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Candy Massaroni To Local Government (h) on 02/26/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [HB-1509]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Harris Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [SB-976]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Civil Actions - Noneconomic Damages - Personal Injury and Wrongful Death [SB-584]
Repealing certain limitations on noneconomic damages in civil actions for personal injury or wrongful death; and applying the Act prospectively.


Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith Hearing 2/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/30/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Business Regulation - Home Improvement Guaranty Fund - Alterations [SB-578]
Authorizing the Maryland Home Improvement Commission to award a claimant for attorney's fees from the Home Improvement Guaranty Fund; prohibiting the Commission from awarding an amount for attorney's fees greater than the amount awarded for the actual loss from the acts of the contractor, provided that the total amount awarded to a claimant does not exceed $30,000; altering the content in a final court judgment or final award in arbitration that a claimant must provide to the Commission to claim payment from the Fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Hearing Canceled on 03/18/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

State Personnel - BWI Airport Fire and Rescue Department - Collective Bargaining and Arbitration Processes [HB-599]
Altering the collective bargaining process between the State and uniformed fire employees of the BWI Airport Fire and Rescue Department by requiring the parties to reach a collective bargaining agreement by September 30 of the year in which the collective bargaining agreement will expire; requiring that each budget bill contain the appropriations necessary to implement all terms and conditions of employment in certain memoranda of understanding for the next ensuing fiscal year; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Pruski Referred Finance on 03/14/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

State Personnel - BWI Airport Fire and Rescue Department - Collective Bargaining and Arbitration Processes [SB-373]
Altering the collective bargaining process between the State and uniformed fire employees of the BWI Airport Fire and Rescue Department by requiring the parties to reach a collective bargaining agreement on or before September 30 of the year in which the collective bargaining agreement will expire; and establishing a process of binding arbitration in the event of an impasse.


Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2025 Regular Session

Relating To The Hawaii Employer-union Health Benefits Trust Fund. [HB-160]
Allows impasses and disputes relating to the amounts of State and county contributions to the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund to be resolved by arbitration. Repeals the prohibition against strikes by members of bargaining units on the issue of the amounts of State and county contributions to the Trust Fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jackson Sayama The Committee(s) On Lab Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/04/2025

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2025 Regular Session

Relating To The Hawaii Employer-union Health Benefits Trust Fund. [SB-183]
Allows impasses and disputes relating to the amounts of State and county contributions to the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund to be resolved by arbitration. Repeals the prohibition against strikes by members of bargaining units on the issue of the amounts of State and county contributions to the Trust Fund. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)


Sponsored by: Sen. Henry Aquino Passed Second Reading As Amended In Hd 1 And Referred To The Committee(s) On Fin With None Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Cochran, Holt, Ward, Woodson Excused (4). on 03/13/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2025 [SB-288]
Altering the collective bargaining process for State employees, including by requiring the selection of a neutral arbitrator to oversee all aspects of collective bargaining, establishing a process of arbitration in the event of impasse, and providing that certain decisions of a neutral arbitrator are advisory; requiring that each budget bill contain the appropriations necessary to implement all terms and conditions of employment in certain memoranda of understanding for the next ensuing fiscal year; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray Hearing 1/22 At 10:30 A.m. (budget And Taxation) on 01/14/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Civil Actions - Noneconomic Damages - Personal Injury and Wrongful Death [HB-113]
Repealing certain limitations on noneconomic damages in civil actions for personal injury or wrongful death; and applying the Act prospectively.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Arbitration Reform for State Employees Act of 2025 [HB-159]
Altering the collective bargaining process for certain State employees, including by requiring the selection of a neutral arbitrator to oversee all aspects of collective bargaining, establishing a process of arbitration in the event of impasse, and providing that certain decisions of a neutral arbitrator are advisory; requiring that each budget bill contain the appropriations necessary to implement all terms and conditions of employment in certain memoranda of understanding for the next ensuing fiscal year; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jazz Lewis Referred Budget And Taxation Finance on 03/12/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Montgomery County – State’s Attorney’s Office Personnel – Application of County Personnel Laws and Collective Bargaining MC 12–24 [HB-1402]
Establishing the right of certain employees of the Office of the State's Attorney in Montgomery County to organize and collectively bargain in accordance with certain personnel law governing county employees; establishing that employees of the Office of the State's Attorney are subject to the county merit system law and personnel regulations; establishing certain requirements related to collective bargaining for employees of the Office; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Approved By The Governor - Chapter 968 on 05/16/2024

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2024 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to property fees and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-479]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 75 to define "premises"; allow a fire protection district or subdistrict, or a volunteer fire department district, to assess a fee against a premises for the costs of maintaining necessary fire protection measures; establish billing and appeals process; set reporting requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 75A to define "premises"; allow a consolidated emergency services district board to assess a fee against a premises for the costs of maintaining necessary fire protection measures; establish billing (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Steve Rawlings To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/13/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act) [SB-591]
Authorizing employees of certain public libraries to form, join, and participate in an employee organization and engage in certain other activities related to collective bargaining; requiring employers and certified exclusive representatives to engage in good faith bargaining; establishing a collective bargaining process for employees of certain public libraries; prohibiting employers and employee organizations from engaging in certain actions regarding the exercise of an employee's rights under the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Referred Rules And Executive Nominations on 04/04/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act) [HB-609]
Authorizing employees of public libraries to form, join, and participate in an employee organization and engage in certain other activities related to collective bargaining; requiring employers and certified exclusive representatives to engage in good faith bargaining; establishing a collective bargaining process for employees of public libraries; prohibiting employers and employee organizations from engaging in certain actions regarding the exercise of an employee's rights under the Act; applying the Act prospectively; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jazz Lewis Approved By The Governor - Chapter 132 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Public Utilities - Thermal Energy Network Systems - Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act) [SB-570]
Requiring certain gas companies and authorizing certain gas companies to develop a plan for a pilot thermal energy network system or systems by October 1, 2024; requiring a gas company that serves at least 75,000 customers in its distribution territory to submit either one or two proposals for a pilot system to the Public Service Commission for approval by July 1, 2025; authorizing a municipal corporation, county, or community organization to submit neighborhoods to gas companies for consideration as part of a pilot system; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester Approved By The Governor - Chapter 563 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Maryland Historical Trust - Arbitration [HB-429]
Authorizing arbitration for disputes regarding certain applications for a certain permit, grant, tax credit, or authorization for a change or alteration of property subject to a certain historic easement.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dalya Attar Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/12/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact [HB-425]
Entering into the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact; establishing criteria for participating states; authorizing an advanced practice registered nurse to practice in a party state under certain scope of practice rules; establishing the Interstate Commission of APRN Compact Administrators and its duties and powers; providing for the amendment of and withdrawal from the Compact; providing that the Compact is contingent on the enacting of substantially similar legislation in six other states; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg Referred Finance on 02/26/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Public Utilities – Thermal Energy Network Systems – Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act) [HB-397]
Requiring gas companies serving at least 75,000 customers in their distribution territories and authorizing gas companies serving fewer than 75,000 customers to develop a plan for a pilot thermal energy network system or systems on or before October 1, 2024; requiring certain gas companies to submit a certain proposal or proposals to the Public Service Commission for approval on or before July 1, 2025; authorizing certain entities or a community organization to submit neighborhoods for consideration as part of a pilot system; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian Approved By The Governor - Chapter 564 on 05/09/2024

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