Inmates; eligibility for health care.

HB 913 Inmates; eligibility for health care

Virginia 2014 Regular Session

Inmates; eligibility for health care.

About HB-913

Health care costs for inmates. Requires the Director of the Department of Corrections to develop procedures for identifying inmates who may be eligible for medical assistance, enrolling such inmates in the state medical assistance program, and ensuring that claims for eligible services are submitted to the Department of Medical Assistance Services rather than the Department of Corrections, and directs the Attorney General to include providers of inpatient medical services to inmates who are eligible for medical assistance services in audits and investigations of providers of services furnished under the state plan for medical assistance. The bill also requires the Director of the Department of Corrections to develop procedures for reviewing claims for reimbursement for medical services submitted to the Department for accuracy and for identifying fraudulent or inaccurate claims and recovering amounts paid pursuant thereto.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/08/2014

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Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety


Subcommittee Recommends Striking From Docket By Voice Vote


Assigned Mpps Sub: Subcommittee #2


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/08/14 14101333d


Referred To Committee On Militia, Police And Public Safety
