Supporting America's Manufacturers Act - Amends the Trade Act of 1974 to require a recommendation from the International Trade Commission (ITC) before the President can impose increased duties or other import restrictions on an imported Chinese product that causes or threatens market disruption to a like U.S. product. Revises the authority of the President and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to consider an equally divided ITC vote regarding a determination on the question of whether an imported Chinese product causes or threatens market disruption in the United States. Repeals the authority of the President and the USTR to consider the determination of either group of equally divided Commissioners to be the ITC's determination. Requires such a deadlocked vote to be considered an affirmative ITC determination. Provides that if the Commissioners voting are equally divided with respect to its determination, then the determination agreed upon by either group of Commissioners may be considered by the President and the Trade Representative as the determination of the Commission. Requires the USTR to make available promptly to the public reports recommending the President to take action, if any, to remedy market disruption. Revises requirements involving ITC determinations of critical circumstances and requests for provisional relief with respect to a Chinese product that causes or threatens market disruption to a like U.S. Product Requires the President to provide import relief from Chinese products that cause or threaten market disruption to a like U.S. product within a specified time if an agreement is not reached with the People's Republic of China (PRC) or if the President determines that an agreement reached with the PRC is not remedying the market disruption. Authorizes the President to provide import relief (including provisional relief in critical circumstances) that differs from that recommended by the ITC, or to deny such import relief only:
Requires the President's decision on import relief to be reported to specified congressional committees. Requires import relief recommended by the ITC to take effect upon enactment of a congressional joint resolution in the event that the President: