Urging the Secretary of State that in 2015, a year of significant anniversaries for the Jewish people, United States embassies in appropriate countries should commemorate this anniversary year with significant public events including the message that the opportunities for remembrance and reflection contained in these anniversaries are applicable to all peoples. Urges the Administration to continue efforts to combat anti-Semitism globally. Urges the Secretary of State that in 2015, a year of significant anniversaries for the Jewish people, U.S. embassies should observe these anniversaries with public events. Calls on the Broadcasting Board of Governors to observe these anniversaries with significant programming. Expresses sympathy to the families of all those who suffered due to the Nuremberg laws and during the Holocaust. Expresses appreciation to governments, groups, and individuals that will appropriately mark these anniversaries and work to promote inter-ethnic and interreligious reconciliation. Appreciates the role of the Holy See in combating religious intolerance and religious discrimination and acknowledges the role of the Nostra Aetate proclamation of Pope Paul VI in fostering interreligious dialogue Condemns all forms of anti-Semitic abuses that are ongoing throughout the world, whether committed by governments or by other persons or groups, particularly in the forms of denying or minimizing the Holocaust and other crimes of Nazi Germany.