Jail inmates; costs of medical treatment.

SB 1146 Jail inmates; costs of medical treatment

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Jail inmates; costs of medical treatment.

About SB-1146

Costs of medical treatment; jail inmates. Provides that no sheriff or jail superintendent or locality is responsible for payment of the cost of medical treatment of an inmate's preexisting condition. Under current law, the sheriff, jail superintendent, or locality is responsible for payment of the cost of medical treatment for such inmate's preexisting condition if that condition is a communicable disease, serious medical need, or life-threatening condition. The bill provides that adequate medical treatment shall not be withheld due to an inmate's inability to pay.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/09/2017

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Sponsors (1)


Senate: Passed by indefinitely in Rehabilitation and Social Services (15-Y 0-N)


Yeas: 15 | Nays: 0
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Passed By Indefinitely In Rehabilitation And Social Services (15-y 0-n)


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/17 17101362d


Referred To Committee On Rehabilitation And Social Services
