Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Departments of; powers and duties of Director, etc.

SB 943 Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Departments of; powers and duties of Director, etc

Virginia 2013 Regular Session

Corrections and Juvenile Justice, Departments of; powers and duties of Director, etc.

About SB-943

Departments of Corrections and Juvenile Justice; powers and duties of the Director. Provides the Directors of the Department of Corrections and the Department of Juvenile Justice with the power to designate certain employees with internal investigations authority within those Departments as having the same power as a sheriff or a law-enforcement officer to investigate allegations of criminal behavior affecting the operations of those Departments. The bill also requires such employees shall be subject to any minimum training standard required by the Department of Criminal Justice Services for law-enforcement officers. Finally, the bill requires these Departments to investigate any allegations of criminal behavior in accordance with a written agreement entered into with the Department of State Police.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 03/12/2013

Enrolled 02/15/2013

Comm Sub 01/25/2013

Prefiled 01/07/2013

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