Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility.

HB 1962 Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility

Virginia 2013 Regular Session

Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility.

About HB-1962

Court adoption of jails. Clarifies that when a county or city is without an adequate jail the court can adopt a regional jail until it can obtain an adequate jail. Currently the statute provides for the adoption of the jail of another county or city in such circumstances without specifying regional jails.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/09/2013

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Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety


Subcommittee Recommends Striking From Docket By Voice Vote


Assigned Mpps Sub: #2


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/09/13 13102357d


Referred To Committee On Militia, Police And Public Safety
