STOP Organ Trafficking Act Strategy To Oppose Predatory Organ Trafficking Act

HB 2121 STOP Organ Trafficking Act Strategy To Oppose Predatory Organ Trafficking Act

US Congress 116th Congress

STOP Organ Trafficking Act Strategy To Oppose Predatory Organ Trafficking Act

About HB-2121

Authorizes the Department of State to deny issuing a passport to, or to revoke an already-issued passport belonging to, an individual who has been convicted of certain offenses related to acquiring, receiving, receiving, or transferring human organs. The bill expands protections against severe forms of trafficking in persons to include trafficking for the purpose of removing a person's organs. The bill defines such trafficking to include the use of coercion, abduction, or fraud to recruit, transport, or harbor a person for the purpose of removing that person's organs. The State Department shall annually report to Congress on human trafficking conducted for organ tracking purposes, including descriptions of the sources and methods associated with such trafficking, State Department activities to address such trafficking, and activities by other countries to address such trafficking.


Bill Texts

Introduced 04/18/2019

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Referred To The Subcommittee On Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, And International Organizations.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Foreign Affairs.
