Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; needs of older adults who are incarcerated.

SJR 296 Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; needs of older adults who are incarcerated

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; needs of older adults who are incarcerated.

About SJR-296

Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; needs of older adults who are incarcerated or are being released from prison; report. Directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to (i) study the unique needs of older adults who are incarcerated within Virginia's prison system or are being released back into the community, including needs related to community services and supports, housing, case management, health care, including mental health, and employment; (ii) identify and examine the effectiveness of all existing state programs, services, and supports designed to help older adults released from prison in the Commonwealth secure necessary health care, housing, and employment; and (iii) recommend strategies or programs to ensure the safety and well-being of the growing number of older adults who are incarcerated within Virginia's prison system or are being released into the community in recognition of their unique needs.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/11/2017

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Passed By Indefinitely In Rules By Voice Vote


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/17 17102564d


Referred To Committee On Rules
