Parole statutes; application for juveniles and persons committed upon certain felony offenses.

SB 112 Parole statutes; application for juveniles and persons committed upon certain felony offenses

Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Parole statutes; application for juveniles and persons committed upon certain felony offenses.

About SB-112

Application of parole statutes for juveniles and persons committed upon felony offenses committed on or after January 1, 1995. Repeals the abolition of parole. The bill requires the Virginia Parole Board to establish procedures for consideration of parole for persons who were previously ineligible for parole because parole was abolished and to allow for an extension of time for the scheduling of a parole interview for reasonable cause.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/06/2022

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Sponsors (2)


Senate: Continued to 2023 in Judiciary (15-Y 0-N)


Yeas: 15 | Nays: 0
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Continued To 2023 In Judiciary (15-y 0-n)


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/12/22 22103312d


Referred To Committee On The Judiciary
