True Reciprocity Investment Act of 2017

S 1722 True Reciprocity Investment Act of 2017

US Congress 115th Congress

True Reciprocity Investment Act of 2017

About S.1722

True Reciprocity Investment Act of 2017 This bill amends the Defense Production Act of 1950 to direct the Office of the United States Trade Representative to submit an annual report assessing the extent to which foreign governments allow investments by U.S. persons (i.e., U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or U.S. entities) in their countries that are similar to investments in the United States made by entities organized in such foreign countries. The report shall include, with respect to each major trading partner of the United States:

  • (1) a description of the laws, policies, and practices of the country with respect to foreign investment; and
  • (2) an assessment of the transparency of the process for making such laws, policies, and practices

The report shall also include the determination of the office whether each major trading partner:

  • (1) has high barriers to investment by U.S. persons;
  • (2) has recently taken measures that constitute barriers to investment by U.S. persons or has indicated an intention to take such measures; or
  • (3) has investment laws, policies, and practices that should be monitored

If the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States recommends that the President not suspend or prohibit a transaction made by a party that is subject to the jurisdiction of a high barrier country, it shall provide an explanation of the reasons for its recommendation.


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Introduced 08/18/2017

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Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs.
