Robbery; conforms certain provisions of the Code of VA to the degrees of robbery offenses, etc.

HB 77 Robbery; conforms certain provisions of the Code of VA to the degrees of robbery offenses, etc

Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Robbery; conforms certain provisions of the Code of VA to the degrees of robbery offenses, etc.

About HB-77

Robbery. Conforms certain provisions of the Code referencing robbery to the degrees of robbery offenses established by Chapter 534 of the Acts of Assembly of 2021, Special Session I. These changes include: (i) limiting to the three higher degrees of robbery certain non-robbery crimes for which committing such crime with the intent to commit a robbery is an element of the offenses, (ii) limiting the types of robbery that are included in the definition of "acts of violence" to the two higher degrees of robbery, (iii) clarifying how robbery offenses will be scored on the sentencing guidelines, (iv) allowing persons convicted of the two lesser degrees of robbery to be eligible for conditional release if they are terminally ill and for the enhanced earned sentence credits, (v) allowing persons who are ineligible for parole as a result of being convicted of three certain enumerated offenses to be eligible for parole if convicted of an offense that would constitute robbery by presenting of firearms, and (vi) limiting the application of the three-strikes law to the two higher degrees of robbery and making persons convicted under the three-strikes law eligible for parole if one of the three convictions resulting in the mandatory life sentence would constitute one of the two lesser degrees of robbery. The bill leaves unchanged the current law making all degrees of robbery predicate criminal acts by adding the two lesser degrees of robbery to the definition of "predicate criminal act" and specifying the two higher degrees of robbery are included in the definition of "act of violence." The bill requires the changes made to the eligibility for conditional release of terminally ill prisoners and enhanced earned sentence credits apply retroactively if certain criteria are met. Robbery. Conforms certain provisions of the Code referencing robbery to the degrees of robbery offenses established by Chapter 534 of the Acts of Assembly of 2021, Special Session I. These changes include: (i) limiting to the three higher degrees of robbery certain non-robbery crimes for which committing such crime with the intent to commit a robbery is an element of the offenses, (ii) limiting the types of robbery that are included in the definition of "acts of violence" to the two higher degrees of robbery, (iii) clarifying how robbery offenses will be scored on the sentencing guidelines, (iv) allowing persons convicted of the two lesser degrees of robbery to be eligible for conditional release if they are terminally ill and for the enhanced earned sentence credits, (v) allowing persons who are ineligible for parole as a result of being convicted of three certain enumerated offenses to be eligible for parole if convicted of an offense that would constitute robbery by presenting of firearms, and (vi) limiting the application of the three-strikes law to the two higher degrees of robbery and making persons convicted under the three-strikes law eligible for parole if one of the three convictions resulting in the mandatory life sentence would constitute one of the two lesser degrees of robbery. The bill leaves unchanged the current law making all degrees of robbery predicate criminal acts by adding the two lesser degrees of robbery to the definition of "predicate criminal act" and specifying the two higher degrees of robbery are included in the definition of "act of violence." The bill requires the changes made to the eligibility for conditional release of terminally ill prisoners and enhanced earned sentence credits apply retroactively if certain criteria are met.


Bill Texts

Enrolled 03/07/2024

Comm Sub 02/26/2024

Engrossed 02/07/2024

Prefiled 12/26/2023

Weigh In

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Votes for: 0 Votes against: 0

Sponsors (1)


House: VOTE: Adoption #2 (49-Y 46-N)


Yeas: 49 | Nays: 46
Support by Party


House: VOTE: REJECTED (47-Y 50-N)


Yeas: 47 | Nays: 50
Support by Party


Senate: Passed Senate with substitute (20-Y 19-N)


Yeas: 20 | Nays: 19
Support by Party


Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (39-Y 0-N)


Yeas: 39 | Nays: 0
Support by Party


Senate: Reported from Courts of Justice with substitute (9-Y 5-N)


Yeas: 9 | Nays: 5
Support by Party


House: VOTE: Passage (50-Y 47-N)


Yeas: 50 | Nays: 47
Support by Party


House: Reported from Courts of Justice with amendment(s) (12-Y 9-N)


Yeas: 12 | Nays: 9
Support by Party


House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendments (5-Y 3-N)


Yeas: 5 | Nays: 3
Support by Party


Sponsors by party


Bill Sponsors


House Sustained Governor's Veto


Governor: Vetoed By Governor


Governor: Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 P.m., April 8, 2024


Enrolled Bill Communicated To Governor On March 11, 2024


Signed By President


Signed By Speaker




Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hb77er)


Vote: Adoption #2 (49-y 46-n)


Senate Substitute Rejected By House 24108326d-s1 (47-y 50-n)


Vote: Rejected (47-y 50-n)


Reconsideration Of Senate Substitute Agreed To By House


Senate Substitute Agreed To By House 24108326d-s1 (49-y 46-n)


Passed Senate With Substitute (20-y 19-n)


Engrossed By Senate - Committee Substitute Hb77s1


Committee Substitute Agreed To 24108326d-s1


Reading Of Substitute Waived


Read Third Time


Constitutional Reading Dispensed (39-y 0-n)


Committee Substitute Printed 24108326d-s1


Reported From Courts Of Justice With Substitute (9-y 5-n)


Referred To Committee For Courts Of Justice


Constitutional Reading Dispensed


Vote: Passage (50-y 47-n)


Read Third Time And Passed House (50-y 47-n)


Committee Amendments Agreed To


Read Second Time


Engrossed By House As Amended Hb77e


Printed As Engrossed 24101214d-e


Read First Time


Reported From Courts Of Justice With Amendment(s) (12-y 9-n)


Subcommittee Recommends Reporting With Amendments (5-y 3-n)


Assigned Courts Sub: Criminal


Assigned Courts Sub: Criminal


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/10/24 24101214d


Referred To Committee For Courts Of Justice


Committee Referral Pending
