Expressing that the United States is obligated to permanently end the unhoused crisis by 2025 and uphold, protect, and enforce the civil and human rights of unhoused individuals, including the human rights to housing, universal health care, livable wages, education, employment opportunities, access to public facilities, free movement in public spaces, privacy, confidentiality, internet access, vote, freedom from harassment by law enforcement, private businesses, property owners, and housed residents, and equal rights to health care, legal representation, and social services without discrimination based on housing status.

HR 568 Expressing that the United States is obligated to permanently end the unhoused crisis by 2025 and uphold, protect, and enforce the civil and human rights of unhoused individuals, including the human rights to housing, universal health care, livable wages, education, employment opportunities, access to public facilities, free movement in public spaces, privacy, confidentiality, internet access, vote, freedom from harassment by law enforcement, private businesses, property owners, and housed residents, and equal rights to health care, legal representation, and social services without discrimination based on housing status

US Congress 117th Congress

Expressing that the United States is obligated to permanently end the unhoused crisis by 2025 and uphold, protect, and enforce the civil and human rights of unhoused individuals, including the human rights to housing, universal health care, livable wages, education, employment opportunities, access to public facilities, free movement in public spaces, privacy, confidentiality, internet access, vote, freedom from harassment by law enforcement, private businesses, property owners, and housed residents, and equal rights to health care, legal representation, and social services without discrimination based on housing status.

About HR-568

Expressing that the United States is obligated to permanently end the unhoused crisis by 2025 and uphold, protect, and enforce the civil and human rights of unhoused individuals, including the human rights to housing, universal health care, livable wages, education, employment opportunities, access to public facilities, free movement in public spaces, privacy, confidentiality, internet access, vote, freedom from harassment by law enforcement, private businesses, property owners, and housed residents, and equal rights to health care, legal representation, and social services without discrimination based on housing status.


Bill Texts

Introduced 07/30/2021

Weigh In

Votes for: 2 Votes against: 7

Sponsors (32)

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Bill Sponsors


Referred To The Subcommittee On Nutrition, Oversight, And Department Operations.


Referred To The Subcommittee On Health.


Introduced In House


Referred To The Committee On Financial Services, And In Addition To The Committees On Energy And Commerce, Education And Labor, The Judiciary, Agriculture, And Ways And Means, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned.


Referred To The Subcommittee On Worker And Family Support.
