Behavioral health services in local correctional facilities. Requires the Board of Local and Regional Jails (the Board) to include in its minimum standards for behavioral health services in local correction facilities requirements for (i) referral of individuals committed to local correctional facilities for whom a behavioral health screening indicates reason to believe the person may have mental illness to a behavioral health service provider for a behavioral health assessment and (ii) in cases in which there is reason to believe an individual is experiencing acute mental health distress or is at risk for suicide, (a) staff of the local correctional facility to consult with the behavioral health service provider to implement immediate interventions and to provide ongoing monitoring to ensure the safety of the individual and (b) the behavioral health assessment to be completed within 72 hours of completion of the behavioral health screening unless the 72-hour period ends on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, in which case the assessment shall be completed by the close of business on the next working day. The bill requires the Board to
Behavioral health services in local correctional facilities. Requires the Board of Local and Regional Jails (the Board) to include in its minimum standards for behavioral health services in local correction facilities requirements for (i) referral of individuals committed to local correctional facilities for whom a behavioral health screening indicates reason to believe the person may have mental illness to a behavioral health service provider for a behavioral health assessment and (ii) in cases in which there is reason to believe an individual is experiencing acute mental health distress or is at risk for suicide, (a) staff of the local correctional facility to consult with the behavioral health service provider to implement immediate interventions and to provide ongoing monitoring to ensure the safety of the individual and (b) the behavioral health assessment to be completed within 72 hours of completion of the behavioral health screening unless the 72-hour period ends on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, in which case the assessment shall be completed by the close of business on the next working day. The bill requires the Board to