Richard G. Lugar and Ellen O. Tauscher Act to Maintain Limits on Russian Nuclear Forces

HB 2529 Richard G Lugar and Ellen O Tauscher Act to Maintain Limits on Russian Nuclear Forces

US Congress 116th Congress

Richard G. Lugar and Ellen O. Tauscher Act to Maintain Limits on Russian Nuclear Forces

About HB-2529

Imposes reporting requirements relating to the possible expiration of the Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (New START treaty) between the United States and Russia, which is set to expire in in February 2021 but may be extended to February 2026. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence shall report to Congress on the intelligence implications of the treaty's expiration without a new U.S.-Russia arms control agreement. The report shall contain specified elements including assessments of

  • (1) the size and posture of Russia's nuclear forces with and without a treaty extension,
  • (2) the impact of the treaty's expiration on U.S. allies, and
  • (3) the impact of the treaty's expiration on U.S. intelligence capabilities

The Department of State shall report to Congress on the likely reactions of U.S. allies, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries, to a U.S. decision to not extend the treaty or enter into a similar agreement with Russia. The State Department shall periodically report to Congress until the treaty's extension or expiration on discussions with Russia on extending the treaty or entering into a similar agreement. If the treaty expires without a new arms control agreement, the President shall provide Congress a justification for allowing the treaty to expire and certify that extending the treaty was not in U.S. national security interests.


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Introduced 06/04/2019

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Referred To The Committee On Foreign Affairs, And In Addition To The Committee On Intelligence (permanent Select), For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned.
