Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc.

HB 1449 Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc.

About HB-1449

Dispensing of naloxone. Allows a person who is authorized by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to train individuals on the administration of naloxone for use in opioid overdose reversal and who is acting on behalf of an organization that provides substance abuse treatment services to individuals at risk of experiencing opioid overdose or training in the administration of naloxone for overdose reversal and that has obtained a controlled substances registration from the Board of Pharmacy pursuant to ? 54.1-3423 to dispense naloxone to a person who has completed a training program on the administration of naloxone for opioid overdose reversal, provided that such dispensing is (i) pursuant to a standing order issued by a prescriber, (ii) in accordance with protocols developed by the Board of Pharmacy in consultation with the Board of Medicine and the Department of Health, and (iii) without charge or compensation. The bill also provides that a person who dispenses naloxone shall not be liable for civil damages of ordinary negligence for acts or omissions resulting from the rendering of such treatment if he acts in good faith and that a person to whom naloxone has been dispensed pursuant to the provisions of the bill may possess naloxone and may administer naloxone to a person who is believed to be experiencing or about to experience a life-threatening opioid overdose.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 12/01/2016

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Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions


Subcommittee Recommends Laying On The Table By Voice Vote


Assigned Hwi Sub: Subcommittee #1


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/17 17101968d


Referred To Committee On Health, Welfare And Institutions
