Cannabinoids, synthetic; penalties for transport, possession, sale, or distribution, etc. [HB-1434]
Penalties for possession, sale, gift, distribution or possession with intent to sell, give or distribute synthetic cannabinoids; bath salts. Lists those chemicals that comprise synthetic cannabinoids and makes possession a Class 1 misdemeanor. Possession with intent to distribute and manufacturing are felonies. The first offender statute applies as it does to marijuana and controlled substances. The bill criminalizes privately compounding with the specific intent to circumvent the criminal penalties for synthetic cannabinoids. The bill also allows
HB-1434: Cannabinoids, synthetic; penalties for transport, possession, sale, or distribution, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0384) on 03/23/2011
American Sign Language; recognition for completed coursework. [HB-1435]
American Sign Language; recognition for completed coursework. Provides that if a local school board offers an elective course in American Sign Language, it must grant academic credit for course completion on the same basis as the successful completion of a foreign language course and count course completion in American Sign Language toward the fulfillment of any foreign language requirement for graduation. Additionally, the bill requires public institutions of higher education to count academic credit received for successful completion of American
HB-1435: American Sign Language; recognition for completed coursework.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0762) on 04/06/2011
Income tax, state; research and development expenses tax credit. [HB-1447]
Income tax; research and development expenses tax credit. Allows income tax credits for individuals and businesses for qualified research and development expenses for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, but before January 1, 2016. The tax credit amounts are (i) 15 percent of the first $167,000 in Virginia qualified research and development expenses, or (ii) 20 percent of the first $175,000 of Virginia qualified research and development expenses if the research was conducted in conjunction with a Virginia public or private college
HB-1447: Income tax, state; research and development expenses tax credit.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0742) on 03/28/2011
Reckless driving; failing to stop at a school bus. [HB-1469]
Reckless driving; failing to stop at a school bus. Provides that a driver is guilty of reckless driving who fails to stop, when approaching from any direction, at any school bus which is stopped for the purpose of taking on or discharging children, etc., and to remain stopped until all the persons are clear and the bus is put in motion. The current law omits the word "at" in the now corrected phrase "at any school bus" and, thus, gives the sentence, and the law, its intended meaning.
HB-1469: Reckless driving; failing to stop at a school bus.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
House: Incorporated By Courts Of Justice (hb2043-anderson) By Voice Vote on 01/31/2011
Highway maintenance funds; requires CTB to allocate funds on basis of achieving level of disparity. [HB-1491]
Highway maintenance funds. Provides that when allocating funds for the interstate system of highways, the primary system of state highways, and the secondary system of state highways maintained by the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall consider achieving a minimal level of disparity among highway construction districts in meeting asset performance standards. Prior to such allocation, the Board shall release for public review a comparison of the proposed allocation of funds by highway construction district with an allocation
HB-1491: Highway maintenance funds; requires CTB to allocate funds on basis of achieving level of disparity.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Senate: Letter Sent To Joint Commission On Transportation Accountablility on 02/17/2011