Rep. Clay Doggett


District HD-070
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 100

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, creates a presumption that a firefighter or emergency medical services personnel diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sustained the injury in the line of duty for purposes of workers' compensation; allows for the presumption to be rebutted by evidence that the PTSD was caused by nonservice-connected risk factors or exposure. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 2; Title 50, Chapter 6 and Title 56. [HB-780]
As introduced, creates a presumption that a firefighter or emergency medical services personnel diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sustained the injury in the line of duty for purposes of workers' compensation; allows for the presumption to be rebutted by evidence that the PTSD was caused by nonservice-connected risk factors or exposure. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 2; Title 50, Chapter 6 and Title 56.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Assigned To S/c Employee Affairs Subcommittee on 02/11/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, requires the department to provide training in suicide prevention to the employees of the department who directly interact with veterans. - Amends TCA Title 58, Chapter 3. [HB-787]
As enacted, requires the department to provide training in suicide prevention to the employees of the department who directly interact with veterans. - Amends TCA Title 58, Chapter 3.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 531 on 03/16/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, broadens the offense of financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable person to include the use of a telephone or other electronic or communication device to fraudulently or deceptively obtain or attempt to obtain money, property, or another thing of value from that person; increases penalty for such offense. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 5. [HB-799]
As introduced, broadens the offense of financial exploitation of an elderly or vulnerable person to include the use of a telephone or other electronic or communication device to fraudulently or deceptively obtain or attempt to obtain money, property, or another thing of value from that person; increases penalty for such offense. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 5.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Byrd Placed On S/c Cal Finance, Ways, And Means Subcommittee For 4/29/2019 on 04/24/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, allows persons employed in emergency management or as firefighters or emergency medical technicians to carry handguns while engaged in the performance of official duties; requires annual completion of a firearm training program. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17. [HB-800]
As introduced, allows persons employed in emergency management or as firefighters or emergency medical technicians to carry handguns while engaged in the performance of official duties; requires annual completion of a firearm training program. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17.


Sponsored by: Rep. David Byrd Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Constitutional Protections & Sentencing Subcommittee Of Judiciary on 03/13/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, increases the penalty for theft of property that includes a firearm valued at less than $2,500 from a Class A misdemeanor or Class E felony, as applicable based on the value, to a Class D felony. - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 39 and Title 40, Chapter 35. [HB-825]
As introduced, increases the penalty for theft of property that includes a firearm valued at less than $2,500 from a Class A misdemeanor or Class E felony, as applicable based on the value, to a Class D felony. - Amends TCA Title 37; Title 39 and Title 40, Chapter 35.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Placed On S/c Cal Finance, Ways, And Means Subcommittee For 4/29/2019 on 04/24/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, permits the clerk of court to send notice of forfeiture of bail security to a defendant by regular mail, rather than certified mail with restricted delivery and return receipt requested. - Amends TCA Section 40-11-139. [HB-833]
As enacted, permits the clerk of court to send notice of forfeiture of bail security to a defendant by regular mail, rather than certified mail with restricted delivery and return receipt requested. - Amends TCA Section 40-11-139.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Lamberth Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 105 on 04/15/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, expands career and technical education programs to middle school grades; requires the board of career and technical education to plan facilities for comprehensive career and technical training for middle school students. - Amends TCA Title 49. [HB-866]
As enacted, expands career and technical education programs to middle school grades; requires the board of career and technical education to plan facilities for comprehensive career and technical training for middle school students. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Littleton Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 366 on 05/15/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, makes the enhanced maximum fine of up to $15,000 applicable to aggravated assault when committed against an identifiable employee or contractor of a utility who is discharging or attempting to discharge such person's official duties. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 13, Part 1 and Title 65, Chapter 35. [HB-901]
As enacted, makes the enhanced maximum fine of up to $15,000 applicable to aggravated assault when committed against an identifiable employee or contractor of a utility who is discharging or attempting to discharge such person's official duties. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 13, Part 1 and Title 65, Chapter 35.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 149 on 04/24/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, enacts the "Elderly and Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2019." - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 71. [HB-909]
As enacted, enacts the "Elderly and Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2019." - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 71.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Gant Pub. Ch. 474 on 05/29/2019

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, revises the use of student growth data for purposes of a teacher's or principal's annual evaluation; deletes obsolete provisions regarding the use of student growth data; excludes, for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years, student growth evaluation composites generated by assessments administered in the 2017-2018 school year if the exclusion results in a higher evaluation score for the teacher. - Amends TCA Section 49-1-302. [HB-928]
As enacted, revises the use of student growth data for purposes of a teacher's or principal's annual evaluation; deletes obsolete provisions regarding the use of student growth data; excludes, for the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years, student growth evaluation composites generated by assessments administered in the 2017-2018 school year if the exclusion results in a higher evaluation score for the teacher. - Amends TCA Section 49-1-302.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 42 on 04/03/2019

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