Human Rights, Division of; duties. [HB-11]
Division of Human Rights; duties. Clarifies that the duties of the Division of Human Rights shall include receiving and investigating all complaints alleging unlawful discriminatory practices that are filed within the applicable statute of limitations period and allege a wrongdoing covered under applicable federal or state law.
HB-11: Human Rights, Division of; duties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ibraheem Samirah
Left In General Laws on 12/04/2020
Marijuana; possession. [HB-1507]
Possession of marijuana. Allows for possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use. Possession of marijuana. Allows for possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use.
HB-1507: Marijuana; possession.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Left In Courts Of Justice on 12/04/2020
Virginia Personnel Act; hiring preference in state government for persons with disabilities. [HB-584]
Virginia Personnel Act; hiring preference in state government for persons with disabilities. Establishes a hiring preference in state government for persons with disabilities, provided that such person meets all of the knowledge, skill, and ability requirements for the available position. The bill defines the term "preference" as requiring that a person with a disability be hired over a person without a disability when the two individuals are substantially equal in qualifications for an eligible position.
HB-584: Virginia Personnel Act; hiring preference in state government for persons with disabilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Keam
Left In General Laws on 12/04/2020
Naturopathic doctors; Board of Medicine to license and regulate. [HB-1040]
Naturopathic doctors; license required. Requires the Board of Medicine to license and regulate naturopathic doctors, defined in the bill as an individual, other than a doctor of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, or podiatry, who may diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases using a system of practice that is based on the natural healing capacity of individuals, using physiological, psychological, or physical methods, and who may also use natural medicines, prescriptions, legend drugs, foods, herbs, or other natural remedies, including light and
HB-1040: Naturopathic doctors; Board of Medicine to license and regulate.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/04/2020
Presidential electors; National Popular Vote Compact. [HB-177]
Presidential electors; National Popular Vote Compact. Enters Virginia into an interstate compact known as the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. Article II of the Constitution of the United States gives the states exclusive and plenary authority to decide the manner of awarding their electoral votes. Under the compact, Virginia agrees to award its electoral votes to the presidential ticket that receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact goes into effect when
HB-177: Presidential electors; National Popular Vote Compact.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Left In Privileges And Elections on 12/04/2020
Wage or salary history; inquiries prohibited, civil penalty. [HB-416]
Wage or salary history inquiries prohibited; civil penalty. Prohibits a prospective employer with 25 employees or more from (i) requiring as a condition of employment that a prospective employee provide or disclose the prospective employee's wage or salary history, (ii) attempting to obtain the wage or salary history of a prospective employee from the prospective employee's current or former employers, (iii) requesting a prospective employee to complete an application for employment that includes a question inquiring about the prospective employee's
HB-416: Wage or salary history; inquiries prohibited, civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores McQuinn
Left In Commerce And Labor on 12/04/2020
Cybersecurity Advisory Council; established, report. [HB-322]
Virginia Information Technologies Agency; Cybersecurity Advisory Council created; report. Creates the Cybersecurity Advisory Council to (i) assist the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency with the development of policies, standards, and guidelines for assessing security risks, determining appropriate security measures, and performing security audits of government electronic information; (ii) make recommendations to the CIO regarding strategies to strengthen the Commonwealth's cybersecurity; and (iii) analyze
General Assembly; streaming and recording of meetings. [HB-182]
General Assembly meetings; streaming and recording. Requires the Clerk of the House of Delegates and the Clerk of the Senate to ensure that every (i) subcommittee or committee meeting of a standing committee of the General Assembly, regardless of meeting date, and (ii) floor session of the House of Delegates or the Senate, including any joint session of the houses, is streamed with closed captioning, recorded and archived. The bill defines "stream" and specifies that a qualifying meeting is one the date and time of which have been scheduled on a
HB-182: General Assembly; streaming and recording of meetings.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Rules on 12/04/2020
Public schools; mental health break spaces, regulations. [HB-40]
Board of Education; mental health break spaces; regulations. Requires the Board of Education to amend its regulations to require that each public school create and maintain a mental health break space within the public school building. The bill requires the Board of Education to collaborate with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services in the creation of regulations for the mental health break spaces. Board of Education; mental health break spaces; regulations. Requires the Board of Education to amend its regulations to require
HB-40: Public schools; mental health break spaces, regulations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Cole
Left In Education on 12/04/2020
Digital services; protection for minors. [HB-952]
Digital services; protection for minors. Requires the operator of a digital service, which is defined as a website, online service, online application, or mobile application, to permit minors to remove, or to request and obtain removal of, content or information posted on a digital service. The measure prohibits an operator of a digital service directed to minors from marketing or advertising to minors specified products or services that minors are prohibited from buying. The measure also prohibits marketing or advertising certain products on the
HB-952: Digital services; protection for minors.
Sponsored by: Rep. Hala Ayala
Left In Communications, Technology And Innovation on 12/04/2020