Rep. Tryon Lewis


District HD-081
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the fees assessed in certain cases filed in the Ector County courts at law. [HB-1044]
Relating to the fees assessed in certain cases filed in the Ector County courts at law.

Sponsored by: Rep. Tryon Lewis Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/22/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the issuance of "Choose Life" license plates and the creation of the Choose Life account in the general revenue fund. [HB-109]
Relating to the issuance of "Choose Life" license plates and the creation of the Choose Life account in the general revenue fund.

Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Recalled From Subcommittee on 04/15/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification. [HB-125]
Relating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification.

Sponsored by: Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/07/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to an interlocal contract for a relief highway route around certain municipalities. [HB-1255]
Relating to an interlocal contract for a relief highway route around certain municipalities.

Sponsored by: Sen. Kel Seliger Effective Immediately on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the Texas Enterprise Fund, including the use of money from the fund, the terms of a grant agreement, and the duties of a grant recipient or entity that acquires a grant recipient. [HB-1277]
Relating to the Texas Enterprise Fund, including the use of money from the fund, the terms of a grant agreement, and the duties of a grant recipient or entity that acquires a grant recipient.

Sponsored by: Rep. Angie Button Committee Report Printed And Distributed on 05/25/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the determination of the population of a county required to develop a juvenile justice alternative education program. [HB-1425]
Relating to the determination of the population of a county required to develop a juvenile justice alternative education program.

Sponsored by: Rep. Phil King Effective Immediately on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the compensation of certain court administrators. [HB-1925]
Relating to the compensation of certain court administrators.

Sponsored by: Sen. Roland Gutierrez Effective On 9/1/09 on 06/19/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the on-premises consumption of certain alcoholic beverages; providing a penalty. [HB-206]
Relating to the on-premises consumption of certain alcoholic beverages; providing a penalty.

Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Referred To Business & Commerce on 05/21/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the cancellation of the voter registration and to the eligibility to vote of persons who are deceased or not citizens of the United States. [HB-208]
Relating to the cancellation of the voter registration and to the eligibility to vote of persons who are deceased or not citizens of the United States.

Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Hughes Committee Report Printed And Distributed on 04/30/2009

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State (Texas)
Texas 81st Legislature Regular Session

Relating to determination of state contributions for participation by certain junior college employees in the state employees group benefits program. [HB-2083]
Relating to determination of state contributions for participation by certain junior college employees in the state employees group benefits program.

Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Turner Left Pending In Committee on 05/11/2009

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