SCR-6: Urging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for bearing the financial burden of the federal government's responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico international border during the 2012-2013 budget cycle.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/19/2013
You have voted SCR-6: Urging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for bearing the financial burden of the federal government's responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico international border during the 2012-2013 budget cycle..
SJR-25: Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing the purposes for which revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, certain motor vehicle-related taxes, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Paxton
Scheduled For Public Hearing In S/c On . . . on 04/02/2013
You have voted SJR-25: Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing the purposes for which revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, certain motor vehicle-related taxes, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used..
SJR-32: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize a political subdivision other than a school district to establish a limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes that the political subdivision may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Campbell
Committee Report Sent To Calendars on 05/19/2013
You have voted SJR-32: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize a political subdivision other than a school district to establish a limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes that the political subdivision may impose on the residence homesteads of persons who are disabled or elderly and their surviving spouses..
SJR-5: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the rights of individuals to choose or decline to choose to purchase health insurance coverage.
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Estes
Co-author Authorized on 02/04/2013
You have voted SJR-5: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the rights of individuals to choose or decline to choose to purchase health insurance coverage..
SJR-51: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by one or more political subdivisions of this state a person's inventory held for sale at retail.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Paxton
Scheduled For Public Hearing In S/c On . . . on 05/09/2013
You have voted SJR-51: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by one or more political subdivisions of this state a person's inventory held for sale at retail..
SJR-55: Proposing a constitutional amendment appropriating money from the system benefit fund for the purpose of returning system benefit fund fees to retail electric customers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jane Nelson
Referred To Appropriations on 05/17/2013
You have voted SJR-55: Proposing a constitutional amendment appropriating money from the system benefit fund for the purpose of returning system benefit fund fees to retail electric customers..