Rep. Johnny Garrett


District HD-045
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 120

Sponsored Legislation

State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, makes various changes to laws regarding trusts. - Amends TCA Title 35. [HB-2317]
As introduced, makes various changes to laws regarding trusts. - Amends TCA Title 35.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Lamberth Received From House, Passed On First Consideration on 06/08/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, reconstitutes the air pollution control board. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 68, Chapter 201. [HB-2340]
As introduced, reconstitutes the air pollution control board. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 68, Chapter 201.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Lamberth Assigned To S/c Agriculture And Natural Resources Subcommittee on 02/10/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, adds libraries and public spaces primarily intended for use by children under 18 years of age to the list of places where a sexual offender is prohibited from being when the sexual offender has reason to believe there may be children present. - Amends TCA Section 40-39-211. [HB-2398]
As introduced, adds libraries and public spaces primarily intended for use by children under 18 years of age to the list of places where a sexual offender is prohibited from being when the sexual offender has reason to believe there may be children present. - Amends TCA Section 40-39-211.


Sponsored by: Rep. Johnny Garrett Assigned To S/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee on 02/10/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, requires homeowners' associations to make certain financial information publicly available, permit access to association property to persons with written permission from a member of the association, and provide copies of dedicatory instruments to a prospective property buyer upon request; requires homeowners' associations to have bylaws that meet certain requirements. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 4; Title 48, Chapter 66 and Title 66. [HB-2485]
As introduced, requires homeowners' associations to make certain financial information publicly available, permit access to association property to persons with written permission from a member of the association, and provide copies of dedicatory instruments to a prospective property buyer upon request; requires homeowners' associations to have bylaws that meet certain requirements. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 4; Title 48, Chapter 66 and Title 66.


Sponsored by: Rep. Johnny Garrett Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Commerce Committee on 06/03/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, decreases from five to three business days, the date by which a pharmacy benefits manager or covered entity must remove a drug from the maximum allowable cost list following the date that the manager or entity becomes aware that the drug no longer is generally available for purchase by pharmacies in this state from a national or regional wholesaler. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 8; Title 53; Title 56 and Title 71. [HB-2575]
As introduced, decreases from five to three business days, the date by which a pharmacy benefits manager or covered entity must remove a drug from the maximum allowable cost list following the date that the manager or entity becomes aware that the drug no longer is generally available for purchase by pharmacies in this state from a national or regional wholesaler. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 8; Title 53; Title 56 and Title 71.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Keisling Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Insurance Committee on 06/01/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, designates "Women's Suffrage Day" as a day of special observance. - Amends TCA Title 15, Chapter 2. [HB-2586]
As enacted, designates "Women's Suffrage Day" as a day of special observance. - Amends TCA Title 15, Chapter 2.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Pub. Ch. 709 on 07/02/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As enacted, requires public institutions of higher education to provide each student with a detailed and completed current-year federal college financing plan; imposes other requirements for such institutions to provide certain information when a student is finalizing acceptance of a financial aid package. - Amends TCA Title 49. [HB-2601]
As enacted, requires public institutions of higher education to provide each student with a detailed and completed current-year federal college financing plan; imposes other requirements for such institutions to provide certain information when a student is finalizing acceptance of a financial aid package. - Amends TCA Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Marsh Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 744 on 07/02/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, changes, from not less than five days to not less than seven days before a hearing, the time the opposing party has to file a response to a petition under the Tennessee Public Participation Act. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 9; Title 20; Title 27; Title 28; Title 29; Title 47 and Title 49. [HB-2623]
As introduced, changes, from not less than five days to not less than seven days before a hearing, the time the opposing party has to file a response to a petition under the Tennessee Public Participation Act. - Amends TCA Title 1; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 9; Title 20; Title 27; Title 28; Title 29; Title 47 and Title 49.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Comp. Sb Subst. on 06/16/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, creates a Class A misdemeanor of disseminating a photograph of an inmate at a state penal institution that was taken during a visitation period. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40; Title 41 and Title 47. [HB-2653]
As introduced, creates a Class A misdemeanor of disseminating a photograph of an inmate at a state penal institution that was taken during a visitation period. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40; Title 41 and Title 47.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver Received From House, Passed On First Consideration on 06/11/2020

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State (Tennessee)
Tennessee 111th General Assembly

As introduced, increases the values of homestead exemptions in various provisions. - Amends TCA Title 26 and Title 30. [HB-2682]
As introduced, increases the values of homestead exemptions in various provisions. - Amends TCA Title 26 and Title 30.


Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Hill Reset On Final Cal. Of Calendar & Rules Committee on 06/15/2020

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