AB-3399: Requires screening incarcerated individuals for eligibility in the supplemental nutrition assistance program prior to release and assistance in applying for such programs; requires officials to seek waivers from the USDA for eligibility for such program.
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Hevesi
Referred To Correction on 01/27/2025
You have voted AB-3399: Requires screening incarcerated individuals for eligibility in the supplemental nutrition assistance program prior to release and assistance in applying for such programs; requires officials to seek waivers from the USDA for eligibility for such program..
AB-325: Relates to eligibility for the temporary assistance to needy families block grant program, safety net assistance and medical assistance for certain noncitizens.
Sponsored by: Rep. Harvey Epstein
Referred To Social Services on 01/08/2025
You have voted AB-325: Relates to eligibility for the temporary assistance to needy families block grant program, safety net assistance and medical assistance for certain noncitizens..
AB-3623: Establishes the NY food insecurity, farm resiliency and rural poverty initiative to provide financial assistance in the form of matching grants, hiring assistance, purchasing assistance, tax credits, tax exemptions, and reimbursements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Hawley
Referred To Agriculture on 01/29/2025
You have voted AB-3623: Establishes the NY food insecurity, farm resiliency and rural poverty initiative to provide financial assistance in the form of matching grants, hiring assistance, purchasing assistance, tax credits, tax exemptions, and reimbursements..
AB-3634: Relates to claims for unjust conviction and imprisonment and the availability of certain benefits and entitlements to exonerees; allows for sealing of records, payment of awards and payment of attorney's fees; repeals certain provisions relating thereto.
Sponsored by: Rep. Phillip Steck
Referred To Judiciary on 01/29/2025
You have voted AB-3634: Relates to claims for unjust conviction and imprisonment and the availability of certain benefits and entitlements to exonerees; allows for sealing of records, payment of awards and payment of attorney's fees; repeals certain provisions relating thereto..
AB-3653: Requires certain candidates to file a statement attesting to the veracity of statements regarding the candidate's educational history, and service, employment and residency record; provides for the filing of amended statements; provides penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Rosenthal
Referred To Election Law on 01/29/2025
You have voted AB-3653: Requires certain candidates to file a statement attesting to the veracity of statements regarding the candidate's educational history, and service, employment and residency record; provides for the filing of amended statements; provides penalties..
AB-3654: Relates to decreasing the length of the suspension period applicable to certain individuals who lose their jobs due to a labor dispute, such as a strike, and who seek to obtain unemployment insurance benefits; decreases the suspension period from two consecutive weeks to one week; provides that the waiting period and suspension period shall be served concurrently.
Sponsored by: Rep. Phillip Steck
Referred To Labor on 01/29/2025
You have voted AB-3654: Relates to decreasing the length of the suspension period applicable to certain individuals who lose their jobs due to a labor dispute, such as a strike, and who seek to obtain unemployment insurance benefits; decreases the suspension period from two consecutive weeks to one week; provides that the waiting period and suspension period shall be served concurrently..
AB-3647: Enacts the "faith-based affordable housing act" for development on residential land; defines terms; provides that each village, town, and city shall allow the construction and occupation of residential buildings on any covered site up to the specified densities; provides that all residential buildings constructed pursuant to this section in a town, village, or city with fewer than one million inhabitants shall set aside twenty percent of the residential floor area for households earning an average of eighty percent of area median income; outlines the densities for New York city; makes related provisions.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Weprin
Referred To Local Governments on 01/29/2025
You have voted AB-3647: Enacts the "faith-based affordable housing act" for development on residential land; defines terms; provides that each village, town, and city shall allow the construction and occupation of residential buildings on any covered site up to the specified densities; provides that all residential buildings constructed pursuant to this section in a town, village, or city with fewer than one million inhabitants shall set aside twenty percent of the residential floor area for households earning an average of eighty percent of area median income; outlines the densities for New York city; makes related provisions..
AB-3691: Prohibits telephone corporations from charging a caller any increased rates, charges, or fees for long-distance or other calls without first notifying such caller.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Weprin
Referred To Corporations, Authorities And Commissions on 01/30/2025
You have voted AB-3691: Prohibits telephone corporations from charging a caller any increased rates, charges, or fees for long-distance or other calls without first notifying such caller..