Rep. Edward Thomson


District HD-030
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 103

Sponsored Legislation

State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Requires limited liability company to disclose ownership information when submitting deed for recording. [AB-2288]
Requires limited liability company to disclose ownership information when submitting deed for recording.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Commerce And Economic Development Committee on 02/07/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Lowers monetary threshold for certain motor vehicle theft to constitute second degree crime. [AB-4019]
Lowers monetary threshold for certain motor vehicle theft to constitute second degree crime.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 05/16/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Establishes rebuttable presumption that person charged with theft of motor vehicle be detained prior to trial under certain circumstances. [AB-4018]
Establishes rebuttable presumption that person charged with theft of motor vehicle be detained prior to trial under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 05/16/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Increases distribution to municipalities from Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund over five years to restore municipal aid reductions; requires additional aid to be subtracted from municipal property tax levy. [AB-1012]
Increases distribution to municipalities from Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund over five years to restore municipal aid reductions; requires additional aid to be subtracted from municipal property tax levy.


Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Rumpf Motion Relieve From Acd (webber) on 06/16/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Clarifies the newspaper media delivery person and news media stringer are independent contractors for purposes of State employment laws. [AB-4221]
Clarifies the newspaper media delivery person and news media stringer are independent contractors for purposes of State employment laws.


Sponsored by: Sen. John McKeon Introduced, Referred To Assembly Labor Committee on 06/02/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Requires any increase in local government costs for employee health care and prescription benefits coverage be offset by equivalent increase in municipal energy tax receipts property tax relief aid. [AB-4789]
Requires any increase in local government costs for employee health care and prescription benefits coverage be offset by equivalent increase in municipal energy tax receipts property tax relief aid.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Kean Introduced, Referred To Assembly State And Local Government Committee on 10/17/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Allocates all revenue from hotel and motel occupancy fee for arts, historical heritage, and tourism purposes. [AB-646]
Allocates all revenue from hotel and motel occupancy fee for arts, historical heritage, and tourism purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson on 01/11/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

"Michelle's Law"; requires health benefit plans to cover mammogram for an individual if recommended by health care provider. [AB-648]
"Michelle's Law"; requires health benefit plans to cover mammogram for an individual if recommended by health care provider.


Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Thomson Introduced, Referred To Assembly Financial Institutions And Insurance Committee on 01/11/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Permits board of education to employ certain veterans in coaching positions in school district's interscholastic athletic program. [AB-786]
Permits board of education to employ certain veterans in coaching positions in school district's interscholastic athletic program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Lampitt Introduced, Referred To Assembly Education Committee on 01/11/2022

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2022-2023 Regular Session

Requires State Auditor to annually publish user-friendly report summarizing and analyzing contents of State's Annual Financial Report. [AB-4090]
Requires State Auditor to annually publish user-friendly report summarizing and analyzing contents of State's Annual Financial Report.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nellie Pou Approved P.l.2023, C.159. on 09/12/2023

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