Legislative Approval For Aviation Fees [SB-128]
An Act requiring legislative approval for certain state charges, rentals, and fees related to aviation; and providing for an effective date.
SB-128: Legislative Approval For Aviation Fees
Sponsored by: Rep. Mia Costello
Prefile Released 1/10/20 on 01/21/2020
State Personnel Act: Veterans' Experience [HB-71]
An Act relating to hiring for positions in state service based on substitution of military work experience or training for required civilian work experience or training.
HB-71: State Personnel Act: Veterans' Experience
Sponsored by: Sen. Tom Begich
Effective Date(s) Of Law 7/19/20 on 05/18/2020
Assault; Sex Offenses; Sentencing Credit [SB-12]
An Act relating to crime and criminal procedure; relating to assault and sexual assault; relating to harassment; relating to credit toward a sentence of imprisonment for time spent in a treatment program or under electronic monitoring; and providing for an effective date.
SB-12: Assault; Sex Offenses; Sentencing Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Kawasaki
Gray-jackson, Hoffman, Von Imhof, Bishop, Stedman, Wielechowski on 03/29/2019