State Personnel Act: Veterans [HB-165]
An Act relating to hiring for positions in state service based on substitution of military work experience or training for civilian work experience or training requirements.
HB-165: State Personnel Act: Veterans
Sponsored by: Rep. Geran Tarr
Referred To State Affairs on 04/11/2017
Industrial Hemp Production Licenses [HB-172]
An Act relating to the regulation and production of industrial hemp; relating to industrial hemp pilot programs; providing that industrial hemp is not included in the definition of 'marijuana'; and clarifying that adding industrial hemp to food does not create an adulterated food product.
HB-172: Industrial Hemp Production Licenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Geran Tarr
Cosponsor(s): Rauscher on 04/07/2017
Naming Portions Of Veterans Highways [HB-178]
An Act relating to recognition of individual veterans along certain veterans' memorial roads and on certain veterans' memorial bridges.
HB-178: Naming Portions Of Veterans Highways
Sponsored by: Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 04/20/2018
Hold Legislative Sessions In Anchorage [HB-185]
An Act relating to the relocating and convening of the legislature at the Legislative Information Office in Anchorage; relating to the regulation of lobbying; relating to annual student guests of the legislature; relating to locations of sessions of the legislature; relating to the Legislative Ethics Act; relating to the relocation of functions of state government; and providing for an effective date.
HB-185: Hold Legislative Sessions In Anchorage
Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy Tilton
Cosponsor(s): Tilton on 04/21/2017
Prohibit Sanctuary Municipalities [HB-205]
An Act prohibiting a municipality from adopting or enforcing a policy or ordinance relating to sanctuary jurisdictions; and providing for an effective date.
HB-205: Prohibit Sanctuary Municipalities
Sponsored by: Rep. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard
Cosponsor(s): Rauscher on 05/10/2017
Approp. For 2016 Pfd Supplemental Payment [HB-21]
An Act making a special appropriation from the earnings reserve account for the payment of permanent fund dividends; and providing for an effective date.
HB-21: Approp. For 2016 Pfd Supplemental Payment
Sponsored by: Rep. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard
Withdraw By Sponsor - Motion Withdrawn on 06/14/2017
2016 Pfd Supplemental Payment [HB-22]
An Act increasing the amount of the 2016 permanent fund dividend and directing the Department of Revenue to pay a supplemental dividend to eligible individuals; and providing for an effective date.
HB-22: 2016 Pfd Supplemental Payment
Sponsored by: Rep. Colleen Sullivan-Leonard
Cosponsor(s): Rauscher on 03/03/2017