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Explain SB-1282: Environmental quality; task force × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Senate Read Second Time on 01/28/2020
You have voted SB-1282: Environmental quality; task force.
Explain SCR-1012: Equal rights; equal protection. × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Senate Read Second Time on 01/28/2020
You have voted SCR-1012: Equal rights; equal protection..
Explain SB-1301: Water banking; storage credits; subcontractors × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston House Read Second Time on 03/09/2020
You have voted SB-1301: Water banking; storage credits; subcontractors.
Explain SB-1321: Antidiscrimination; employment; housing; public accommodations.. × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Introduced In Senate And Read First Time on 05/08/2020
You have voted SB-1321: Antidiscrimination; employment; housing; public accommodations...
Explain SB-1336: Large electronics; recycling × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Senate Read Second Time on 01/29/2020
You have voted SB-1336: Large electronics; recycling.
Explain SCR-1015: World hearing day × Sponsored by: Rep. Charlene Fernandez Introduced In House And Read First Time on 05/20/2020
You have voted SCR-1015: World hearing day.
Explain SB-1315: Kinship foster care stipend × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley House Read Second Time on 03/11/2020
You have voted SB-1315: Kinship foster care stipend.
Explain SB-1319: County treasurer; investment earnings; operation × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Senate Read Second Time on 01/29/2020
You have voted SB-1319: County treasurer; investment earnings; operation.
Explain SB-1340: Fish contaminant monitoring program × Sponsored by: Sen. Lela Alston Senate Read Second Time on 01/29/2020
You have voted SB-1340: Fish contaminant monitoring program.
Explain SB-1314: Hearing evaluations; preschools × Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley Senate Read Second Time on 01/29/2020
You have voted SB-1314: Hearing evaluations; preschools.