

Party Unaffiliated
Bills Introduced 121

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Amends existing law to provide for a revised rate of taxation on gaseous special fuels. [HB-132]
MOTOR FUELS - Amends existing law to provide for a revised rate of taxation on gaseous special fuels.


Sponsored by: Rep. March 30, 2015 Session Law Chapter 175 Effective: 07/01/2015 on 03/26/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Amends existing law to provide an additional circumstance for exempt employment under the state's employment security law regarding motor carriers and motor vehicles. [HB-143]
EXEMPT EMPLOYMENT - Amends existing law to provide an additional circumstance for exempt employment under the state's employment security law regarding motor carriers and motor vehicles.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Signed By Governor On March 30, 2015 Session Law Chapter 176 Effective: 07/01/2015 on 03/30/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Amends and adds to existing law to provide for the Road Safety and Economic Development Act of 2015; and revise specified fees and motor fuels taxes. [HB-144]
TRANSPORTATION - Amends and adds to existing law to provide for the Road Safety and Economic Development Act of 2015; and revise specified fees and motor fuels taxes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Printed And Referred To Transportation & Defense on 02/18/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Amends existing law to impose a sales and use tax exemption for sales of motor vehicles, trailers, vessels, all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles intended for off-road use and snowmobiles to nonresidents from states not imposing a sales and use tax, for use outside of this state even though delivery be made within this state under certain conditions; and to provide for distribution of these moneys. [HB-145]
SALES AND USE TAX - Amends existing law to impose a sales and use tax exemption for sales of motor vehicles, trailers, vessels, all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles intended for off-road use and snowmobiles to nonresidents from states not imposing a sales and use tax, for use outside of this state even though delivery be made within this state under certain conditions; and to provide for distribution of these moneys.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Out Of Committee, Returned To The Desk For Re-referral on 02/24/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Repeals and amends existing law relating to a refund of gasoline tax procedure; and to provide a procedure for refunds for certain special fuels taxes paid. [HB-146]
MOTOR FUELS - Repeals and amends existing law relating to a refund of gasoline tax procedure; and to provide a procedure for refunds for certain special fuels taxes paid.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Printed And Referred To Transportation & Defense on 02/18/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Adds to existing law to provide for rental fleet registration, alternative special registration cards, rental car stickers, annual registration renewal and fees. [HB-147]
MOTOR VEHICLES - Adds to existing law to provide for rental fleet registration, alternative special registration cards, rental car stickers, annual registration renewal and fees.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Signed By Governor On March 23, 2015 Session Law Chapter 90 Effective: 07/01/2015 on 03/23/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions concerning the apportionment of the highway distribution account; to revise transfer fee provisions concerning certain revenue received by the petroleum clean water trust fund; to provide for the distribution of transfer fees and interest accruing to the petroleum clean water trust fund; to provide for an electric vehicle fee and to provide for a hybrid vehicle fee; to provide for certain transfers from the general fund to the highway distribution account upon the occurrence of certain conditions, to provide for appropriation and to provide a sunset provision; to revise provisions concerning tax on motor fuel, to provide for the reduction in tax on motor fuel upon the occurrence of certain conditions and to provide a sunset provision. [HB-260]
TRANSPORTATION - Amends and adds to existing law to revise provisions concerning the apportionment of the highway distribution account; to revise transfer fee provisions concerning certain revenue received by the petroleum clean water trust fund; to provide for the distribution of transfer fees and interest accruing to the petroleum clean water trust fund; to provide for an electric vehicle fee and to provide for a hybrid vehicle fee; to provide for certain transfers from the general fund to the highway distribution account upon the occurrence of (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. U.c. To Hold Place On Third Reading Calendar on 04/10/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Adds to existing law to provide that certain state general fund moneys shall be dedicated to the Highway Distribution Account by appropriation. [HB-261]
TRANSPORTATION FUNDING - Adds to existing law to provide that certain state general fund moneys shall be dedicated to the Highway Distribution Account by appropriation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Printed And Referred To Transportation & Defense on 03/12/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2015 Regular Session

Adds to existing law to provide for regulation of transportation network companies and drivers. [HB-262]
TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANIES - Adds to existing law to provide for regulation of transportation network companies and drivers.


Sponsored by: Rep. April 6, 2015 Session Law Chapter 267 Effective: 04/06/2015 on 03/31/2015

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State (Idaho)
Idaho 2016 Regular Session

Amends existing law to clarify certain revenue distribution provisions; and to provide for the distribution of revenues received from tax imposed on certain special fuels. [HB-343]
FUELS - Amends existing law to clarify certain revenue distribution provisions; and to provide for the distribution of revenues received from tax imposed on certain special fuels.


Sponsored by: Rep. Reported Signed By Governor On March 23, 2016 Session Law Chapter 152 Effective: Retroactive To 07/01/2015 on 03/23/2016

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