Washington County - Contributions to Nonprofit Organizations - Process [HB-867]
Altering the process by which the County Commissioners of Washington County make contributions to specified nonprofit organizations in Washington County; altering the deadline for submission of applications for contributions; requiring the County Commissioners to hold a public hearing on the applications; authorizing the County Commissioners to remove specified organizations from a specified list and, on request by the organization, to revise or amend the name of an organization; etc.
HB-867: Washington County - Contributions to Nonprofit Organizations - Process
Sponsored by: Rep.
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/27/2016
Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership [HB-283]
Altering the membership of the Correctional Officers' Retirement System to include Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services employees in certain positions on or after July 1, 2019; requiring a certain transfer and combination of certain service credit for certain individuals; requiring the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System to calculate a certain disability benefit for certain individuals and to grant a certain benefit under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-283: Correctional Officers' Retirement System - Membership
Washington County - Code of Public Local Laws - Legalization [HB-700]
Legalizing the 2019 edition of the Code of Public Local Laws of Washington County, being Article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, published under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County; and making provisions for the publication, sale, and distribution of the Code of Public Local Laws of Washington County.
HB-700: Washington County - Code of Public Local Laws - Legalization
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 123 on 04/18/2019
Washington County - Alcoholic Beverages - Sunday Hours of Sale [HB-701]
Altering, from noon to 11 a.m., the starting time on Sunday for the sale of alcoholic beverages for a holder of a Class A beer license, a Class A beer and light wine license, or a Class A beer, wine, and liquor license in Washington County for certain purposes.
HB-701: Washington County - Alcoholic Beverages - Sunday Hours of Sale
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 125 on 04/18/2019
Community Colleges - Out-of-State Fee - Waiver for Border State Residents [HB-1587]
Authorizing the boards of trustees of community colleges with service areas that border other states to set an out-of-state fee for students who reside in out-of-state counties that border Maryland; requiring that this fee be more than the out-of-county fee paid by Maryland students; allowing this fee to be less than the out-of-state fee paid by specified out-of-state students; prohibiting students attending community colleges by paying this fee from being counted for the purposes of specified State aid to community colleges; etc.
HB-1587: Community Colleges - Out-of-State Fee - Waiver for Border State Residents
Sponsored by: Rep.
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/20/2017
PenMar Development Corporation - Dissolution - Authority of Washington County Over Fort Ritchie [HB-605]
Repealing specified provisions of law relating to the PenMar Development Corporation, its board of directors, and its powers to develop, manage, and control Fort Ritchie; transferring specified remaining real and personal property interests, along with specified contracts, leases, and liabilities from the Corporation to the Board of County Commissioners for Washington County; requiring any party that has an issue with the transfer from the Corporation to the Board to refer to the specified memorandum of understanding; etc.
HB-605: PenMar Development Corporation - Dissolution - Authority of Washington County Over Fort Ritchie
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 141 on 04/11/2017
Juveniles - Reportable Offenses [HB-1702]
Making it mandatory for a certain local superintendent of schools or school principal to transmit certain information concerning the arrest of a student for a certain reportable offense or offense related to the student's membership in a criminal gang and the disposition of a certain offense as a confidential file to the local superintendent of another school in the State in which the student has enrolled or to which the student has been transferred for certain purposes under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-1702: Juveniles - Reportable Offenses
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/17/2018
Washington County - Advisory School Design Review Committee - Repeal [HB-1704]
Repealing a provision of law requiring the Washington County Commissioners to establish an Advisory School Design Review Committee; repealing provisions establishing the Committee's duties and relating to the review of the Committee's comments and recommendations; repealing a provision requiring the Washington County Board of Education to provide a certain schedule of project milestones to the Committee; and making the Act an emergency measure.
HB-1704: Washington County - Advisory School Design Review Committee - Repeal
Sponsored by: Rep.
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/16/2018