AN ACT relating to highway work zones. [HB-352]
Amend KRS 189.2325, relating to highway work zones, to set forth signage requirements; amend KRS 189.394, relating to speeding, to specify that double fines in work zones are only applicable when required signs are posted and workers are physically present in the work zone.
HB-352: AN ACT relating to highway work zones.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jody Richards
To Transportation (s) on 02/22/2010
AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program. [HB-375]
Amend KRS 205.6485 to delete the requirement for a premium payment for insurance coverage under the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Programs and permit the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish premium payments by administrative regulation.
Sponsored by: Sen. C.B. Embry
Withdrawn on 03/16/2010
AN ACT relating to jury service. [HB-390]
Amend KRS 29A.040 to allow a person who has reached the age of 72 to have his or her name removed from the master list of prospective jurors; amend KRS 29A.090 to allow automatic exemption from jury service for a prospective juror who has reached age 72 and who has elected to have his or her name removed from the master list of prospective jurors.
HB-390: AN ACT relating to jury service.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jody Richards
To Judiciary (h) on 02/08/2010
AN ACT relating to continuity of health care. [HB-41]
Amend KRS 304.17A-500 to define "acute-care hospital" for health insurance purposes; amend KRS 304.17A-527 to require that an agreement between a managed care plan and an acute-care hospital shall include provisions for a term of not less than 3 years, a 6-month notice to the plan and the executive director of the department of insurance by the acute-care hospital prior to termination or nonrenewal, procedures to ensure continuity of care for covered persons not less than 30 days prior to termination, no less than 20 days notice prior to termination
HB-41: AN ACT relating to continuity of health care.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Horlander
To: Interim Joint Committee On Health And Welfare on 11/04/2010
AN ACT relating to the operation of vehicles on a highway. [HB-421]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define the term "mini-truck" and add mini-trucks to the definition of "motor vehicle"; permit the operation of mini-trucks on highways other than interstate highways and highways with a speed limit greater than 55 mph; require operators of mini-trucks to comply with the same insurance, title, registration, and usage tax requirements as a motor vehicle; amend KRS 186.010 to define the term "mini-truck" and include mini-trucks under the definition of "motor vehicle"; amend KRS 190.010 to exclude dealers of
HB-421: AN ACT relating to the operation of vehicles on a highway.
Sponsored by: Rep. Addia Wuchner
To Transportation (s) on 03/08/2010
AN ACT relating to personal communication devices. [HB-43]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define "personal communication device"; prohibit text messaging while operating a motor vehicle; provide for specific exclusions; amend KRS 189.990 to set penalties; provide for a probationary period ending January 1, 2011, during which courtesy warnings will be issued; set fine for violation at $20 to $100 for each offense after the probationary period; exclude court costs.
HB-43: AN ACT relating to personal communication devices.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jody Richards
To: Interim Joint Committee On Transportation on 11/04/2010
AN ACT relating to assisted-living communities. [HB-444]
Amend KRS 194A.700 to add definitions of "assistance with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living," "plan of correction," "temporary condition," "statement of danger," and "statement of noncompliance"; amend definitions of "assistance with self-administration of medication," "assisted-living community," and "client"; amend KRS 194A.703 to reference the building code or life safety code authority with jurisdiction; amend KRS 194A.705 to modify procedures related to moving in and out of an assisted-living community;
HB-444: AN ACT relating to assisted-living communities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Will Coursey
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 36) on 03/30/2010
AN ACT relating to judgment liens. [HB-496]
Amend KRS 426.720 relating to judgment liens on real property to provide that where the real property is under joint ownership, that the lien shall not extend beyond the interest held by the debtor.
HB-496: AN ACT relating to judgment liens.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Miller
To Judiciary (s) on 03/24/2010