AN ACT relating to compliance with state and federal law. [HB-51]
Amend KRS 65.133 to require local law enforcement agencies and Kentucky State Police to enforce immigration laws; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to define terms, including "sanctuary" and "sanctuary policy"; prohibit local governments from adopting sanctuary policies; establish hearing procedures for determination of sanctuary status; provide for the withholding of state funding from sanctuaries; create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to prohibit postsecondary educational institutions from enrolling employing or contracting with illegal
HB-51: AN ACT relating to compliance with state and federal law.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Fischer
Posted In Committee on 01/15/2020
AN ACT relating to student privacy and declaring a emergency. [HB-132]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to ensure that student privacy exists in school restrooms, locker rooms, and showers; require students born male to use only those facilities designated to be used by males and students born female to use only those facilities designated to be used by females; require schools to provide the best available accommodation to students who assert that their gender is different from their biological sex; identify consequences for using facilities designated for the opposite biological sex; identify the Act as the
HB-132: AN ACT relating to student privacy and declaring a emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King
Posted In Committee on 02/21/2020
AN ACT relating to manufactured and mobile homes. [HB-252]
Amend KRS 227.605 to require an inspection and a new B1 seal prior to the transfer of title or ownership of a manufactured or mobile home; exempt homes bearing a B1 seal that was affixed by a licensed retailer within the six months prior to transfer.
HB-252: AN ACT relating to manufactured and mobile homes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Myron Dossett
Taken From The Orders Of The Day on 03/02/2020
AN ACT relating to school bus safety and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-34]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to define "owner," "recorded images," "school bus stop arm camera," and "third party designee"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to require each local school district to install and maintain school bus stop arm cameras on daily route school buses by August 1, 2023; allow districts to contract for purchase and maintenance of cameras; allow districts to contract for the processing of an alleged violation of KRS 189.370(1); require school districts to establish procedures or contract with a third-party
HB-34: AN ACT relating to school bus safety and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Danny Bentley
To Appropriations & Revenue (s) on 02/10/2020
AN ACT relating to the promotion of living donor human organ and bone marrow donation. [HB-46]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A to allow full-time employees of the Commonwealth of Kentucky a paid leave of absence of 240 hours for donating a human organ and 40 hours for donating bone marrow and to set requirements for the paid leave of absence; amend KRS 141.010 to define "human organ" and "qualified organ donation expenses"; amend KRS 18A.025 and 18A.110 to conform; amend KRS 141.019 to allow a tax deduction in an amount equal to the qualified organ donation expenses incurred by a taxpayer up to $10,000 and require reporting by the
HB-46: AN ACT relating to the promotion of living donor human organ and bone marrow donation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 107) on 04/24/2020
You have voted HR-44: A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky's Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day on January 23, 2020..