SB-56: AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 50 of the Constitution of Kentucky, and repeal of Sections 48 and 49 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to debt.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
Withdrawn on 02/15/2012
You have voted SB-56: AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 50 of the Constitution of Kentucky, and repeal of Sections 48 and 49 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to debt..
AN ACT relating to redistricting and declaring an emergency. [SB-60]
(S0974B01) Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 5 to divide the Commonwealth into the following senatorial districts: DISTRICT 1 - Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Lyon, Trigg; DISTRICT 2 - Ballard, Marshall, McCracken; DISTRICT 3 - Christian, Logan, Todd; DISTRICT 4 - Caldwell, Crittenden, Henderson, Livingston, Union, Webster; DISTRICT 5 - Breckinridge, Grayson, Hancock, Hart, Larue, Meade; DISTRICT 6 - Hopkins, Muhlenberg, Ohio; DISTRICT 7 - Anderson, Fayette (part), Franklin, Woodford; DISTRICT 8 - Daviess, McLean; DISTRICT 9 -
SB-60: AN ACT relating to redistricting and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Taken From Committee On Committees (s) on 01/04/2012
AN ACT relating to referendums. [SB-62]
Amend KRS 147.620, relating to the dissolution of an area planning commission, by changing the petition signature requirements from 25% of the number of registered voters who voted in the last presidential election to 10% of the number of registered voters who voted in the last regular election.
SB-62: AN ACT relating to referendums.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Posted In Committee on 03/06/2012
AN ACT relating to firearms, including ammunition and accessories for firearms. [SB-73]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237, relating to firearms, ammunition, and firearms accessories made in Kentucky, marked as made in Kentucky, and used in Kentucky, to specify that these items, with specified exemptions, are exempt from federal law; name law the "Kentucky Firearms Freedom Act."
SB-73: AN ACT relating to firearms, including ammunition and accessories for firearms.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 01/04/2012
AN ACT relating to slow-moving vehicles and declaring an emergency. [SB-75]
Amend KRS 189.050 to provide an alternative lighting system for motorless vehicles operated on a highway at night; amend KRS 189.820 to provide for an alternative means of marking motorless, slow-moving vehicles with reflective tape rather than using the slow-moving vehicle emblem; amend KRS 189.930 to conform.
SB-75: AN ACT relating to slow-moving vehicles and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 53) on 04/11/2012
AN ACT relating to debt. [SB-10]
Amend KRS 48.010 to define terms; create a new section of KRS Chapter 48 to establish limitations on the issuance of general fund debt; amend KRS 56.063 to conform; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2014.
SB-10: AN ACT relating to debt.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/19/2013
AN ACT relating to wages and hours. [SB-105]
Amend and repeal various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to repeal the prevailing wage requirement, abolish the Prevailing Wage Review Board, and make conforming amendments.
SB-105: AN ACT relating to wages and hours.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
To Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (s) on 02/11/2013