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Explain HB-250: Require county and school district approval for adoption of TIF provision × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs (h) Died In Standing Committee on 04/28/2017
You have voted HB-250: Require county and school district approval for adoption of TIF provision.
Explain HB-373: Revise county property disposal × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs Chapter Number Assigned on 05/04/2017
You have voted HB-373: Revise county property disposal.
Explain HB-396: Revise laws related to tax increment financing × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs Chapter Number Assigned on 04/04/2017
You have voted HB-396: Revise laws related to tax increment financing.
Explain HB-412: Authorize municipalities to set alternate all-beverages, retail beer quotas × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs (h) Died In Standing Committee on 04/28/2017
You have voted HB-412: Authorize municipalities to set alternate all-beverages, retail beer quotas.
Explain HB-643: Generally revise liquor laws relating to overlapping quota areas × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs (h) Died In Standing Committee on 04/28/2017
You have voted HB-643: Generally revise liquor laws relating to overlapping quota areas.
Explain HJR-19: Interim study on traffic laws and uniform vehicle code × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs (h) Died In Process on 04/28/2017
You have voted HJR-19: Interim study on traffic laws and uniform vehicle code.
Explain HB-159: Generally revise education funding laws × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs Chapter Number Assigned on 02/28/2019
You have voted HB-159: Generally revise education funding laws.
Explain HB-190: Revise local government authority to set school zone speed limits × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs Chapter Number Assigned on 04/19/2019
You have voted HB-190: Revise local government authority to set school zone speed limits.
Explain HB-191: Provide for K-12 synchronous distance learning payment × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs (h) Died In Process on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-191: Provide for K-12 synchronous distance learning payment.
Explain HB-247: Provide greater flexibility for school districts in financing major maintenance × Sponsored by: Rep. Bruce Grubbs Chapter Number Assigned on 03/22/2019
You have voted HB-247: Provide greater flexibility for school districts in financing major maintenance.