Rep. S. Chris Jones


District HD-076
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 0

Sponsored Legislation

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

School Construction Revolving Fund; created, report. [HB-923]
Public schools; financing. Creates the Virginia School Construction Revolving Fund for financing elementary, secondary, or vocational education school projects. This bill incorporates

Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon Senate: Continued To 2009 In Finance (9-y 7-n) on 02/26/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Illegal aliens; corporate existence terminated involuntarily for employing. [HB-926]
Business entities; employing illegal aliens. Provides that the authority of certain business entities, including foreign and domestic corporations, limited liability companies, business trusts, and limited partnerships, to operate in the Commonwealth may be terminated involuntarily or revoked upon the conviction of the business entity for a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(f) (hiring or continuing to employ illegal aliens). A business entity whose authority to operate in the Commonwealth is terminated or revoked is not eligible to have that authority (continued...)

Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0588) on 03/18/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Tax rates; requires localities to fix for ensuing year at least 30 days prior to approval of budget. [HB-927]
Tax rates. Requires each locality to fix tax rates for an ensuing year at least 30 days prior to approval of the budget for the ensuing year, with separate public notices and separate public hearings. The bill also requires each locality to lower its real estate tax rate for the forthcoming tax year to produce no more than the previous year's real property tax levies when any annual assessment, biennial assessment, or general reassessment of real property by the locality would result in an increase in the total real property tax levied. The locality (continued...)

Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon House: Left In Finance on 02/12/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Ronald Reagan Day; designating as February 6, 2008, and each succeeding year thereafter. [HJR-130]
President Ronald Reagan Day. Designates February 6, in 2008 and in each succeeding year, as Ronald Reagan Day in Virginia.

Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj130er) on 03/08/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

U.S. Route 460 Communications Committee; extends mandate, report. [HJR-159]
U.S. Route 460 Communications Committee; report. Extends the U.S. Route 460 Communications Committee until commencement of construction of the U.S. Route 460 project as approved by the Commonwealth Transportation Board in November 2005. The Committee must submit an executive summary of its findings and recommendations no later than the first day of the Regular Session of the 2009 and 2010 Sessions of the General Assembly.

Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj159er) on 03/12/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Celebrating the life of Howard Nathaniel Williams. [HJR-187]
Celebrating the life of Howard Nathaniel Williams.

Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj187er) on 03/08/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Celebrating the life of Obadiah Colander. [HJR-188]
Celebrating the life of Obadiah Colander.

Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj188er) on 03/08/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Celebrating the life of Herman T. Benn. [HJR-189]
Celebrating the life of Herman T. Benn.

Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj189er) on 03/08/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Celebrating the life of the Reverend Dr. Thelma Norfleet. [HJR-190]
Celebrating the life of the Reverend Dr. Thelma Norfleet.

Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj190er) on 03/08/2008

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2008 Regular Session

Commending Chums Club of Suffolk on the occasion of its 70th anniversary. [HJR-191]
Commending Chums Club of Suffolk on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.

Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj191er) on 03/08/2008

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