Rep. Andy Biggs


District HD-AZ-5
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 872

Sponsored Legislation

US Congress 119th Congress

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to provide that Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the number of persons in each State who are citizens of the United States. [HJR-37]
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to provide that Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the number of persons in each State who are citizens of the United States.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/06/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act [HB-1040]
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the inclusion in gross income of Social Security benefits.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/06/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

Restoring American Sovereignty Act [HB-1088]
To provide for the use of funds for deportation purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/06/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

Teleabortion Prevention Act of 2025 [HB-729]
To prohibit chemical abortions performed without the presence of a healthcare provider, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 01/24/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

To abolish the United States Agency for International Development. [HB-1029]
To abolish the United States Agency for International Development.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/05/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

No Kill Switches in Cars Act [HB-1137]
To repeal a requirement for the Secretary of Transportation to issue certain regulations with respect to advanced impaired driving technology, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/07/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

Direct Medical Care Freedom Act of 2025 [HB-1140]
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow individuals with direct medical care service arrangement to remain eligible individuals for purposes of health savings accounts, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/07/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

Emergency Border Control Resolution [HCR-10]
Establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2025 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026 through 2034.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Submitted In House on 02/10/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

To direct the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to require the disclosure of violations of Federal law with respect to human trafficking or alien smuggling, and for other purposes. [HB-1168]
To direct the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to require the disclosure of violations of Federal law with respect to human trafficking or alien smuggling, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/10/2025

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US Congress 119th Congress

To repeal the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. [HB-1180]
To repeal the Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

Sponsored by: Rep. Andy Biggs Introduced In House on 02/11/2025

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