Schools; delayed implementation of statutes and regulations upon which full accreditation is based. [HB-111]
Accreditation of schools; delayed implementation of certain statutes and regulations, etc. Provides for the delayed implementation of statutes and regulations upon which the accreditation of schools in the Commonwealth is based that were not already in effect on June 30, 2008, with the exception of the graduation and completion rate index, until July 1, 2011, unless such statutes or regulations are also specifically required by federal code, federal regulation, or court action. This bill incorporates
HB-111: Schools; delayed implementation of statutes and regulations upon which full accreditation is based.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0398) on 04/11/2010
Public employment; prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, etc. [HB-1116]
Public employment; nondiscrimination. Prohibits discrimination in public employment based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. The bill defines "sexual orientation" as a person's actual or perceived heterosexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality, or gender identity or expression. The bill expressly provides that "sexual orientation" shall not include any person's attraction towards persons with whom sexual conduct
HB-1116: Public employment; prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
House: Left In General Laws on 02/16/2010
Slave Commission; established, report. [HB-1200]
Virginia Slave Commission. Establishes the Virginia Slave Commission in the legislative branch of state government for the purpose of addressing political, economic, educational, and societal issues, and public policies whose roots lie in the transatlantic slave trade. The Commission, among other things, must (i) identify the vestiges and assess the effects of the transatlantic slave trade on African Americans, the Commonwealth, and modern societal problems and public policies, (ii) explore and showcase the contributions of African Americans in
HB-1200: Slave Commission; established, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores McQuinn
House: Left In Rules on 02/16/2010
Driver instruction program; DMV shall provide at a reduced fee, etc., to person unable to pay cost. [HB-1201]
Driver instruction; payment. Provides that for persons who fail the behind-the-wheel examination or driver knowledge examination for driver's licenses administered by the Department of Motor Vehicles three times and must successfully complete a driver instruction program subsequent to the third examination failure, the Department shall provide by regulation for the offering of such driver's education instruction at a reduced or sliding fee scale or without charge to any person unable to pay the full cost of the program.
HB-1201: Driver instruction program; DMV shall provide at a reduced fee, etc., to person unable to pay cost.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
House: Stricken From Docket By Transportation By Voice Vote on 02/11/2010
Criminal history record check; required to transfer firearm from firearms show vendor. [HB-1234]
Transfer of firearms; criminal records check; penalties. Adds a definition of "firearms show vendor" and requires that a criminal history record information check be performed on the prospective transferee before the vendor may transfer firearms at a gun show. Under current law, only licensed dealers must obtain such a check. The bill also adds a definition of "promoter" and requires that the promoter of a gun show provide vendors with access to licensed dealers who will conduct the criminal background check.
HB-1234: Criminal history record check; required to transfer firearm from firearms show vendor.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
House: Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/16/2010
Higher educational institutions; crisis and emergency management. [HB-1238]
Public institutions of higher education; crisis and emergency management. Requires the president and vice-president of each public institution of higher education, or the superintendent in the case of the Virginia Military Institute, to annually certify in writing to the Department of Emergency Management comprehension and understanding of the institution's crisis and emergency management plan. The bill also provides that each public institution of higher education shall annually conduct a functional exercise in accordance with the protocols established
HB-1238: Higher educational institutions; crisis and emergency management.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0104) on 03/09/2010
Criminal records; shall contain last four digits of person's social security number. [HB-1259]
Criminal records maintained by the clerk of the court; social security numbers. Provides that the clerk of each district court shall ensure that all nonconfidential court records regarding a person's conviction for a criminal offense or a traffic infraction shall contain the last four digits of the person's social security number. The clerk of each circuit court must also comply with the requirement for such records that are made available via remote access.
HB-1259: Criminal records; shall contain last four digits of person's social security number.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
House: Continued To 2011 In Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote on 02/03/2010
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans. [HB-1270]
Constitutional amendment (voter referendum); property tax exemptions. Provides for a referendum at the November 2, 2010, election to approve or reject an amendment requiring the General Assembly to provide a real property tax exemption for the principal residence of a veteran, or his or her surviving spouse, if the veteran has a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability.
HB-1270: Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
House: Incorporated By Privileges And Elections (hb149-o'bannon) By Voice Vote on 02/09/2010
Public Procurement Act; certain amount of contracts to be awarded to small businesses, etc. [HB-1279]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; small, women-owned, or minority-owned businesses. Requires the Department of General Services, in conjunction with the Department of Minority Business Enterprise, to develop a program that insures that at least 15 percent of state procurement contracts are awarded to small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses located in historically underutilized business zones (HUB Zone) that meet certain requirements. The bill defines HUB Zone.
HB-1279: Public Procurement Act; certain amount of contracts to be awarded to small businesses, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis
House: Left In General Laws on 02/16/2010
Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing practices. [HB-1280]
Virginia Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing practices. Provides that it is an unlawful discriminatory housing practice for any political jurisdiction or its employees or appointed commissions to discriminate in the application of local land use ordinances or guidelines, or in the permitting of housing developments, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, handicap, or because the housing development contains or is expected to contain affordable housing units occupied or intended for