Elections; date of June primary election. [HB-1615]
Elections; date of June primary election. Changes the date of the primary election held in June from the second Tuesday in June to the third Tuesday in June. The bill also changes candidate filing deadlines to reflect the change of date.
HB-1615: Elections; date of June primary election.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Read Third Time on 02/15/2019
Virginia Public Procurement Act; high-risk contracts, report. [HB-1668]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; high-risk contracts; report. Requires the Department of General Services (DGS), the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA), and the Office of the Attorney General, as appropriate, to review contract solicitations and contracts for any public contract with a state public body for goods, services, insurance, or construction that meets the definition of high-risk contract provided in the bill. The bill directs DGS and VITA to develop guidelines for state agencies to use when assigning staff to administer high-risk
HB-1668: Virginia Public Procurement Act; high-risk contracts, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0601) on 03/19/2019
Indigenous Peoples Day; renames the special Day of Appreciation for American Indians, etc. [HB-1676]
Legal holidays; Indigenous Peoples Day. Renames the special Day of Appreciation for American Indians living in the Commonwealth as Indigenous Peoples Day. Recognition of the day remains the Wednesday immediately preceding the fourth Thursday in November of each year but the bill changes its designation to that of a legal holiday in Virginia.
HB-1676: Indigenous Peoples Day; renames the special Day of Appreciation for American Indians, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Left In Rules on 02/05/2019
Dental services; contracts between carriers and providers, PPO network arrangement, etc. [HB-1682]
Insurance networks; dental services. Establishes limits on the ability of a health carrier or third-party administrator to sell or otherwise grant access, as provided in a dentist's or oral surgeon's provider contract, to a third-party carrier. The measure provides that such access may be granted only if it is expressly permitted by the provider contract and notice is given to the affected participating providers. The contracting entity or carrier is required to inform participating providers, upon request, which network plans have been granted
HB-1682: Dental services; contracts between carriers and providers, PPO network arrangement, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0655) on 03/21/2019
Public school building security enhancements; compliance with Uniform Statewide Building Code, etc. [HB-1725]
Public school building security enhancements; compliance with Uniform Statewide Building Code and Statewide Fire Prevention Code. Requires each school board, in consultation with the local building official and the state or local fire marshal, to develop a procurement plan to ensure that all security enhancements to public school buildings are in compliance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code and Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
HB-1725: Public school building security enhancements; compliance with Uniform Statewide Building Code, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Byron
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0121) on 02/21/2019