Rep. Robert Auth


District HD-039
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 205

Sponsored Legislation

State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Includes adjustment aid in calculation of districts' payments to charter schools under certain circumstances. [AB-561]
Includes adjustment aid in calculation of districts' payments to charter schools under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Education Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

"Stop Social Media Censorship Act"; creates private right of action for users of social media websites whose political or religious speech has been deleted or censored by social media websites. [AB-578]
"Stop Social Media Censorship Act"; creates private right of action for users of social media websites whose political or religious speech has been deleted or censored by social media websites.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Science, Innovation And Technology Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Establishes position of Economic Development Auditor in EDA. [AB-335]
Establishes position of Economic Development Auditor in EDA.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Commerce And Economic Development Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires prescriptions for animals to be issued in name of animal owner; prohibits unnamed persons from possessing prescribed drugs; and requires Prescription Monitoring Program to include information about controlled substances prescribed by veterinarians. [AB-1503]
Requires prescriptions for animals to be issued in name of animal owner; prohibits unnamed persons from possessing prescribed drugs; and requires Prescription Monitoring Program to include information about controlled substances prescribed by veterinarians.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Agriculture Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires young children entering public schools or Head Start Programs for first time to have comprehensive eye examination completed. [AB-1399]
Requires young children entering public schools or Head Start Programs for first time to have comprehensive eye examination completed.


Sponsored by: Sen. Andrew Zwicker Introduced, Referred To Assembly Education Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Designates May of each year as "Home-Schooling Month" in New Jersey. [AJR-17]
Designates May of each year as "Home-Schooling Month" in New Jersey.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Education Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Creates offense of making false child abuse report; permits assessment of penalty. [AB-568]
Creates offense of making false child abuse report; permits assessment of penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Enhances "Crime Victim's Bill of Rights"; prohibits defendant from entering crime victim's home throughout criminal justice process, including in relation to any investigation or discovery. [AB-1853]
Enhances "Crime Victim's Bill of Rights"; prohibits defendant from entering crime victim's home throughout criminal justice process, including in relation to any investigation or discovery.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Judiciary Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires DEP to reimburse local units for costs incurred in responding to emergencies in State parks and forests. [AB-549]
Requires DEP to reimburse local units for costs incurred in responding to emergencies in State parks and forests.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Environment And Solid Waste Committee on 01/14/2020

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State (New Jersey)
New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Proposes constitutional amendment to establish revenue responsibility through annual State appropriations cap limiting spending growth to one percent per year over six years and a permanent revenue responsibly fund reserved for reducing State pension benefit liabilities. [ACR-35]
Proposes constitutional amendment to establish revenue responsibility through annual State appropriations cap limiting spending growth to one percent per year over six years and a permanent revenue responsibly fund reserved for reducing State pension benefit liabilities.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Auth Introduced, Referred To Assembly Budget Committee on 01/14/2020

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