Creating the felony offense of conspiracy to commit violations of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act [HB-2541]
The purpose of this bill is to create a criminal offense to hold all participants involved in a conspiracy to violate the drug laws responsible. The bill establishes sentences based upon quantities for certain controlled substances, and allows all substances possessed or delivered among the members of the conspiracy to be attributed to a defendant.
HB-2541: Creating the felony offense of conspiracy to commit violations of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Cooper
Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017
HB-2544: Establishing that an employee’s termination from employment for testing positive on a drug or alcohol test required by the employer disqualifies that employee for benefits
Sponsored by: Rep. Daryl Cowles
Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017
You have voted HB-2544: Establishing that an employee’s termination from employment for testing positive on a drug or alcohol test required by the employer disqualifies that employee for benefits.
You have voted HB-2546: Allowing replacement costs of employer provided property to be deducted from an employee’s final paycheck if the property is not returned.
Relating to autocycles [HB-2576]
The purpose of this bill is to create an exemption for autocycles which are enclosed motorcycles that are equipped with safety belts, airbags, a roll bar, a windshield, wipers, a steering wheel and equipment otherwise required on a motorcycle, and which have no more than three wheels in contact with the roadway at any one time. A person may operate an autocycle with a valid driver's license and is exempt from the motorcycle examination, licensing and endorsement requirements set forth in article two, chapter seventeen-b of this code. The bill would
HB-2576: Relating to autocycles
Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Barrett
With Amendment, Do Pass, But First To Judiciary on 03/08/2017
Requiring the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to prepare a “Coercive Federal Funds Report” on each budget bill [HB-2556]
The purpose of this bill is to require the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to prepare a “Coercive Federal Funds Report” on each budget bill; to empower the Attorney General to bring suit in federal courts to enjoin the application of federal laws containing coercive federal funds; and to affirm that the policy of the State of West Virginia is that coercive federal funds are unconstitutional and violate the principles of federalism.
HB-2556: Requiring the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to prepare a “Coercive Federal Funds Report” on each budget bill
Sponsored by: Sen. Rupert Phillips
Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017
Relating to disclaimers of warranties with respect to goods which are the subject of or are intended to become the subject of a consumer transaction [HB-2578]
The purpose of this bill is to prohibit the exclusion, modification or limitation of any warranty or remedy in the sale of used motor vehicles; to allow a consumer to waive a warranty on used motor vehicle as to a particular defect or malfunction only if the dealer has disclosed the particular defect; to identify conditions permitting "as is" sales of used motor vehicles; to require conspicuous disclosure of "as is" sales; to clarify that "as is" sales do not waive express warranties made by a dealer; and to require dealers to conform to federal
HB-2578: Relating to disclaimers of warranties with respect to goods which are the subject of or are intended to become the subject of a consumer transaction
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Folk
Filed For Introduction on 02/20/2017
You have voted HB-2578: Relating to disclaimers of warranties with respect to goods which are the subject of or are intended to become the subject of a consumer transaction.
West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act [HB-2554]
The purpose of this bill is to transfer the West Virginia Contractor Act from administration and regulation by the Division of Labor to regulation under the provisions of professions and occupations in chapter thirty of this code. The bill retains the short title and declaration of policy with definitions of the existing act. It continues the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Board, composition, terms, qualifications and appointment, together with administrative duties of board and legislative rules, without the Division of Labor. The bill retains
HB-2554: West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Daryl Cowles
To Government Organization on 03/11/2017
Relating to employment of retired teachers and prospective employable professional personnel in areas of critical need and shortage [HB-2637]
The purpose of this bill is to extend the date for expiration of provisions related to the employment of a retired teacher as a substitute beyond the post-retirement limit in areas of critical need and shortage to June 30, 2020. Speech pathologists and school nurses are added for inclusion under these provisions. The bill also addresses the employment of prospective employable professional personnel in areas of critical need and shortage by allowing county-level determination of the areas, requiring a notice of the positions prior to making offers
HB-2637: Relating to employment of retired teachers and prospective employable professional personnel in areas of critical need and shortage
You have voted HB-2637: Relating to employment of retired teachers and prospective employable professional personnel in areas of critical need and shortage.