Rep. Margaret Doherty


District HD-035
Party Democrat
Bills Introduced 21

Sponsored Legislation

State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to union security agreements; declaring an emergency. [HB-3420]
Ensures that private sector labor organizations and employers throughout state may enter into union security agreements to full extent allowed by federal law. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to union security agreements; and declaring an emergency. [SB-1040]
Ensures that private sector labor organizations and employers throughout state may enter into union security agreements to full extent allowed by federal law. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson Effective Date, June 14, 2017. on 06/22/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to environmental conditions in school facilities. [SB-1047]
Requires Department of Education to develop model plan for conducting tests for certain environmental hazards in facilities owned or leased by school districts or public charter schools where students or staff are present on regular basis and for reporting test results. Requires Oregon Health Authority to adopt rules regarding testing for certain environmental hazards by school districts and public charter schools. Requires school districts and public charter schools to test for certain environmental hazards in facilities owned or leased by districts (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Hernandez In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to statewide health care coverage; declaring an emergency. [SB-1046]
Establishes Health Care for All Oregon Board to develop, implement and oversee Health Care for All Oregon Plan to be administered by Oregon Health Authority. Provides comprehensive health care coverage to all individuals residing or working in Oregon. Repeals health insurance exchange upon implementation of Health Care for All Oregon Plan. Supplants coverage by private insurers for health services covered by plan. Authorizes Public Employees' Benefit Board and Oregon Educators Benefit Board to offer supplemental health benefit plans to employees. (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to charitable checkoffs; and prescribing an effective date. [SB-378]
Adds Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association to list of entities eligible for individual income tax return checkoff contribution. Provides conditions for use of contributions. Applies to individual income tax returns for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson Chapter 487, 2017 Laws. on 07/04/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to residential tenancies; declaring an emergency. [HB-2004]
During first nine months of occupancy, prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy within 60 days of receiving from tenant request for repairs to correct certain building, health or housing code violation or unhabitable condition. Prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause after first nine months of occupancy except under certain circumstances with written notice and payment of amount equal to one month's periodic rent. Provides exception for certain tenancies for occupancy of dwelling unit in building (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon At President's Desk Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to sanctions for career schools; and prescribing an effective date. [HB-2701]
Replaces ability of Higher Education Coordinating Commission to place career school on probation with ability of commission to issue career school notice for corrective action. Requires commission to notify career school about investigations and to engage with both career school and any affected students during investigations. When career school requests contested case hearing, prohibits commission from suspending or revoking license of career school prior to determination by hearing officer that there is proper cause. Takes effect July 1, 2018.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel Chapter 422, (2017 Laws): Effective Date July 1, 2018. on 07/13/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to procedures related to hostile education environments; declaring an emergency. [HB-2649]
Directs State Board of Education to adopt by rule complaint process to report school district policy in violation of state law prohibiting harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying. Directs board to adopt rules relating to complaint investigation and standards to determine whether school district policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying complies with and is applied in accordance with state law. Directs Department of Education to establish system to track number of reported incidences of harassment, intimidation, (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Hernandez In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to sex offender information. [HB-2218]
Requires that information concerning sex offenders convicted of certain offenses be released on website maintained by Department of State Police.


Sponsored by: Rep. Margaret Doherty In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to death benefits under the Public Employees Retirement System. [HB-2653]
Establishes alternate death benefit for surviving spouse of member of Public Employees Retirement System who dies before retirement.


Sponsored by: Rep. Margaret Doherty In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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