Relating to proceeds from the sale of unclaimed property. [HB-3430]
Provides that Department of State Lands shall distribute certain moneys that have been in Common School Fund Account for 25 years or more. Requires any claims for moneys be paid from General Fund. Directs department to describe disposition of those moneys on claim forms.
HB-3430: Relating to proceeds from the sale of unclaimed property.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janeen Sollman
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017
Relating to environmental conditions in school facilities. [SB-1047]
Requires Department of Education to develop model plan for conducting tests for certain environmental hazards in facilities owned or leased by school districts or public charter schools where students or staff are present on regular basis and for reporting test results. Requires Oregon Health Authority to adopt rules regarding testing for certain environmental hazards by school districts and public charter schools. Requires school districts and public charter schools to test for certain environmental hazards in facilities owned or leased by districts
SB-1047: Relating to environmental conditions in school facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Hernandez
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017
Relating to statewide health care coverage; declaring an emergency. [SB-1046]
Establishes Health Care for All Oregon Board to develop, implement and oversee Health Care for All Oregon Plan to be administered by Oregon Health Authority. Provides comprehensive health care coverage to all individuals residing or working in Oregon. Repeals health insurance exchange upon implementation of Health Care for All Oregon Plan. Supplants coverage by private insurers for health services covered by plan. Authorizes Public Employees' Benefit Board and Oregon Educators Benefit Board to offer supplemental health benefit plans to employees.
SB-1046: Relating to statewide health care coverage; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017
Relating to environmental conditions in school facilities; and declaring an emergency. [SB-1062]
Requires school districts, education service districts and public charter schools to adopt Healthy and Safe Schools Plan to address environmental conditions in facilities owned or leased by districts or schools where students or staff are present on regular basis. Requires districts and schools to provide Department of Education with copies of plans. Requires districts and schools to annually review plan and revise as necessary. Specifies minimum content for plan. Requires department to develop model plan as guidance for districts and schools. Authorizes
SB-1062: Relating to environmental conditions in school facilities; and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janeen Sollman
Effective Date, August 8, 2017. on 08/11/2017
Relating to charitable checkoffs; and prescribing an effective date. [SB-378]
Adds Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association to list of entities eligible for individual income tax return checkoff contribution. Provides conditions for use of contributions. Applies to individual income tax returns for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
SB-378: Relating to charitable checkoffs; and prescribing an effective date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jennifer Williamson
Chapter 487, 2017 Laws. on 07/04/2017
Relating to persons in custody of the Oregon Youth Authority. [HB-2659]
Provides that youth offenders sentenced to mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment for certain crimes committed at 15, 16 or 17 years of age are eligible for conditional release hearing if they are in custody of Oregon Youth Authority on 24th birthday.
HB-2659: Relating to persons in custody of the Oregon Youth Authority.
Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Hernandez
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017
Relating to residential tenancies; declaring an emergency. [HB-2004]
During first nine months of occupancy, prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy within 60 days of receiving from tenant request for repairs to correct certain building, health or housing code violation or unhabitable condition. Prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause after first nine months of occupancy except under certain circumstances with written notice and payment of amount equal to one month's periodic rent. Provides exception for certain tenancies for occupancy of dwelling unit in building
HB-2004: Relating to residential tenancies; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon
At President's Desk Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017
Relating to procedures related to hostile education environments; declaring an emergency. [HB-2649]
Directs State Board of Education to adopt by rule complaint process to report school district policy in violation of state law prohibiting harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying. Directs board to adopt rules relating to complaint investigation and standards to determine whether school district policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying complies with and is applied in accordance with state law. Directs Department of Education to establish system to track number of reported incidences of harassment, intimidation,
HB-2649: Relating to procedures related to hostile education environments; declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Hernandez
In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017
Relating to highway speeds. [HB-2682]
Authorizes City of Portland to designate speed that is five miles per hour lower than statutory speed when highway is located in residence district and highway is not arterial highway.
HB-2682: Relating to highway speeds.
Sponsored by: Rep. Diego Hernandez
Chapter 291, (2017 Laws): Effective Date January 1, 2018. on 06/22/2017