Rep. Sal Esquivel


District HD-006
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 23

Sponsored Legislation

State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to military special access programs. [SB-116]
Requires State Forester to make any recreational opportunities in state forests free, upon showing of certain identification and documentation, for disabled veterans and for persons who are on leave from military active duty on certain holidays. Requires State Forester to make any recreational opportunities in state forests free, upon showing of certain identification and documentation, for disabled veterans and for persons who are on leave from military active duty on certain holidays.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel Effective Date, January 1, 2018. on 08/23/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to wildlife salvage permits. [SB-372]
Requires State Fish and Wildlife Commission to adopt rules for issuance of wildlife salvage permits to salvage deer or elk accidentally killed as result of vehicle collision. Requires State Department of Fish and Wildlife to report on implementation of wildlife salvage permit rules during 2023 regular session. Sunsets January 1, 2024.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel Effective Date, January 1, 2018. on 06/22/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to county property tax collections; prescribing an effective date. [HB-2363]
Authorizes counties to withhold from taxing districts costs to county of assessing property and collecting property taxes. Limits withheld amount to two percent of tax distribution to taxing district. Excludes moneys distributed for bonded indebtedness from withholding. Phases in provisions over four years. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to oral health care for Pacific Islanders residing in the United States under a Compact of Free Association treaty; and declaring an emergency. [SB-147]
Directs Department of Consumer and Business Services to develop and report, no later than September 15, 2017, recommendations to Legislative Assembly and interim committees related to health for program to reimburse costs of oral health care for low-income individuals residing in Oregon under Compact of Free Association treaty. Sunsets January 2, 2020. Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel Effective Date, June 6, 2017. on 06/16/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to a tax credit for adoption of children from foster system; prescribing an effective date. [HB-2367]
Creates income tax credit for adopting children from foster system. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to disclosure of information by public universities. [HB-2369]
Directs public universities to prepare and publish annual report detailing complete cost of obtaining bachelor's degree by major and percentage of graduates by major who are employed one year after graduating. Requires universities to provide report to enrolled students.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Recognizing and honoring Deputy Alice Mae Baker Moran (1934-1971) for her service to this state. [HCR-4]
Recognizes and honors Deputy Alice Mae Baker Moran (1934-1971) for her service to this state.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel Filed With Secretary Of State. on 05/03/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to legislative confirmation of national marine sanctuaries. [HB-2376]
Requires Governor to certify to United States Secretary of Commerce that terms of national marine sanctuary located within seaward boundary of Oregon are unacceptable unless Legislative Assembly confirms designation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Relating to high school diplomas for veterans. [HB-2220]
Removes certain requirements veterans must meet prior to receiving high school diploma.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel Chapter 149, (2017 Laws): Effective Date January 1, 2018. on 06/21/2017

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State (Oregon)
Oregon 2017 Legislative Measures

Recognizing State of Oregon's dependence on federal funds to provide needed services and operations and further recognizing risks of reductions in federal funds due to changes in federal budget priorities and federal tax revenues. [HR-1]
Recognizes State of Oregon's dependence on federal funds to provide needed services and operations and further recognizes risks of reductions in federal funds due to changes in federal budget priorities and federal tax revenues. Commits House of Representatives to assessing risks of reductions in federal funds and to creating contingency plans and budget reserves to support funding for mission-critical services and operations. States expectation of House of Representatives that Governor and state agencies similarly develop contingency plans and (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Sal Esquivel In Committee Upon Adjournment. on 07/07/2017

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