HR-150: Urging the Congress of the United States to oppose the Treasury Department's proposal to change Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements, which would unnecessarily and harmfully affect financial institutions and their customers in this Commonwealth.
Sponsored by: Rep. Francis Ryan
Adopted (181-19) on 11/09/2021
You have voted HR-150: Urging the Congress of the United States to oppose the Treasury Department's proposal to change Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements, which would unnecessarily and harmfully affect financial institutions and their customers in this Commonwealth..
HB-2069: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania, further providing for action on concurrent orders and resolutions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Francis Ryan
Laid On The Table on 09/19/2022
You have voted HB-2069: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania, further providing for action on concurrent orders and resolutions..
HB-2100: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; in licensing of drivers, further providing for suspension of operating privilege; in rules of the road in general, further providing for the offense of overtaking vehicle on the left and providing for vehicles passing pedestrians on a highway; in special vehicles and pedestrians, further providing for penalty for violation of subchapter; and, in miscellaneous provisions, further providing for the offense of careless driving.
Sponsored by: Rep. Francis Ryan
Removed From Table on 07/06/2022
You have voted HB-2100: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; in licensing of drivers, further providing for suspension of operating privilege; in rules of the road in general, further providing for the offense of overtaking vehicle on the left and providing for vehicles passing pedestrians on a highway; in special vehicles and pedestrians, further providing for penalty for violation of subchapter; and, in miscellaneous provisions, further providing for the offense of careless driving..