Perm Fund; Employment; Eligibility [HB-75]
An Act relating to national criminal history record checks for certain employees of the Department of Revenue; relating to allowable absences for eligibility for a permanent fund dividend; relating to the confidentiality of certain information provided on a permanent fund dividend application; relating to electronic notice of debt collection executed on a permanent fund dividend; and providing for an effective date.
HB-75: Perm Fund; Employment; Eligibility
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrea Story
L&c Rpt Cs(sta) 5dp 2am on 03/21/2025
Railroad Corp. Financing [HB-65]
An Act authorizing the Alaska Railroad Corporation to issue revenue bonds to finance the replacement of the Alaska Railroad Corporation's passenger dock and related terminal facility in Seward, Alaska; and providing for an effective date.
HB-65: Railroad Corp. Financing
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Josephson
Effective Date(s) Of Law 3/7/2025 on 03/10/2025
Crimes Against Minors [HB-101]
An Act relating to civil claims by victims of sexual abuse to a minor; relating to homicide; relating to assault in the third degree; relating to stalking; relating to sexual abuse of a minor; relating to enticement of a minor; relating to endangering the welfare of a child; relating to indecent exposure; relating to sending an explicit image of a minor; relating to solicitation or production of an indecent picture of a minor; relating to distribution of indecent material to minors; relating to the testimony of children in criminal proceedings;
HB-101: Crimes Against Minors
Sponsored by: Rep. Sarah Vance
Cosponsor(s): Jimmie on 03/11/2025
Approp: Special Education Appropriation [HB-112]
An Act making a special appropriation to the Department of Education and Early Development for public education that appropriates the same base student allocation equivalent funding appropriated for fiscal year 2025; and providing for an effective date.
HB-112: Approp: Special Education Appropriation
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeremy Bynum
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/21/2025