Rep. Pat Curry


District HD-056
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 72

Sponsored Legislation

State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the regulation of in vitro fertilization procedures; authorizing an administrative penalty. [HB-1084]
Relating to the regulation of in vitro fertilization procedures; authorizing an administrative penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the offering of a lifetime recreation and outdoor pursuits course to satisfy the physical education curriculum requirements for public high school students. [HB-1085]
Relating to the offering of a lifetime recreation and outdoor pursuits course to satisfy the physical education curriculum requirements for public high school students.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/18/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the placement by a school district of a student who engages in a course of conduct that demonstrates habitually violent, harmful, or destructive behavior. [HB-1081]
Relating to the placement by a school district of a student who engages in a course of conduct that demonstrates habitually violent, harmful, or destructive behavior.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to claiming an exemption from required immunizations for school enrollment. [HB-1082]
Relating to claiming an exemption from required immunizations for school enrollment.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the date of an election seeking voter approval for the issuance of a school district bond. [HB-1195]
Relating to the date of an election seeking voter approval for the issuance of a school district bond.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the publication of required notice by a political subdivision by alternative media. [HB-1080]
Relating to the publication of required notice by a political subdivision by alternative media.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Ann Perez Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/25/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Employees Retirement System of Texas. [HB-1086]
Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Employees Retirement System of Texas.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the inclusion of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and Leadership Officer Training Corps programs as public school career and technology education programs and the indicator of achievement for military readiness under the public school accountability system. [HB-1079]
Relating to the inclusion of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and Leadership Officer Training Corps programs as public school career and technology education programs and the indicator of achievement for military readiness under the public school accountability system.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Raymond Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. [HB-1083]
Relating to eligibility for tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain students who were under the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mihaela Plesa Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to a requirement that an election for a member of a board of trustees of an independent school district is partisan. [HB-1197]
Relating to a requirement that an election for a member of a board of trustees of an independent school district is partisan.


Sponsored by: Rep. Pat Curry Read First Time on 03/07/2025

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