AN ACT relating to railroad operations. [SB-47]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 277 to require a crew of at least two persons during the operation of a train or light engine; amend KRS 277.990 to include penalties for crews of less than two persons.
SB-47: AN ACT relating to railroad operations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Reginald Thomas
To Transportation (s) on 01/05/2024
AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. [SB-46]
Amends KRS 189.110 to permit the application to a windshield of sunscreening material with a light transmittance of not less than 70 percent.
SB-46: AN ACT relating to motor vehicles.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donald Douglas
Signed By Governor (acts Ch.17) on 03/29/2024
AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools. [SB-7]
Amend KRS 164.7874 to include an equivalent score on the Classic Learning Test as a KEES supplemental amount; define "eligible noncertified school graduate"; amend definitions of "KEES award," "KEES award maximum," and " KEES base amount" for an eligible noncertified school graduate; amend KRS 164.7879 to establish an equivalent grade point average for eligible noncertified school graduates based on the graduate's ACT score; amend KRS 164.7884 to conform.
SB-7: AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
To Education (h) on 02/22/2024
AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses and declaring an emergency. [SB-5]
Amends KRS 150.170 to remove the requirement that resident owners of farmlands own five or more acres of land in order to be exempt from sport hunting and sport fishing license requirements when hunting or fishing on their own farmlands; EMERGENCY.
SB-5: AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Damon Thayer
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 2) on 02/29/2024
SR-59: A RESOLUTION celebrating the first place win by the Lady Long Knives of George Rogers Clark High School United States Army JROTC at the 2023 JROTC National Raider Challenge Championship in the All-Services Female Division.
Sponsored by: Sen. Greg Elkins
Adopted By Voice Vote on 01/25/2024
You have voted SR-59: A RESOLUTION celebrating the first place win by the Lady Long Knives of George Rogers Clark High School United States Army JROTC at the 2023 JROTC National Raider Challenge Championship in the All-Services Female Division..
You have voted SB-91: AN ACT providing funding and establishing conditions for state government agencies and institutions, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency..
You have voted SR-73: A RESOLUTION recognizing Leland "Lee" Smith of the Kentucky State Police Facilities Security Division on the occasion of his retirement..
SJR-84: A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and members of Congress.
Sponsored by: Sen. George Wise
To State & Local Government (s) on 01/22/2024
You have voted SJR-84: A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and members of Congress..