Constitutional amendment; marriage between two individuals. [HJR-9]
Constitutional amendment (first reference); marriage between two individuals; repeal of same-sex marriage prohibition; affirmative right to marry. Repeals the constitutional provision defining marriage as only a union between one man and one woman as well as the related provisions that are no longer valid as a result of the United States Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015). The amendment provides that the right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of persons and prohibits the Commonwealth and its
HJR-9: Constitutional amendment; marriage between two individuals.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
Continued To 2025 In Privileges And Elections By Voice Vote on 02/09/2024
Advanced registered medication aides; aides who administer drugs in certified nursing facilities. [HB-349]
Advanced registered medication aides; certified nursing facilities; work group; report. Requires advanced registered medication aides who administer drugs that would otherwise be self-administered to residents in a certified nursing facility licensed by the Department of Health to register with the Board of Nursing. Under the bill, an advanced registered medication aide who is registered to administer drugs to residents in a certified nursing facility shall also be eligible to administer drugs that would otherwise be self-administered to residents
HB-349: Advanced registered medication aides; aides who administer drugs in certified nursing facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Orrock
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0284) on 04/02/2024
Firearm safety device tax credit; expands definition of device. [HB-35]
Firearm safety device tax credit; definition of firearm safety device. Expands the definition of "firearm safety device" as it relates to the firearm safety device tax credit to include any device that, when installed on a firearm, is designed to prevent the firearm from being operated without first deactivating the device. The provisions of the bill are effective for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2024.
HB-35: Firearm safety device tax credit; expands definition of device.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0522) on 04/05/2024
Employment discrimination; employee notification of federal and state statute of limitations. [HB-569]
Employment discrimination; employee notification of federal and state statute of limitations. Requires an employer that employs 10 or more employees and that receives an employee complaint alleging sexual assault, harassment, or any other form of discrimination for which the employee may seek enforcement by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Office of the Attorney General to notify such employee that a charge may be filed with the EEOC or the Office of the Attorney General within 300 days after the alleged unlawful discriminatory
HB-569: Employment discrimination; employee notification of federal and state statute of limitations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfonso Lopez
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Student safety and discipline; certain reports to school principals and division superintendents. [HB-573]
Student safety and discipline; certain reports to school principals and division superintendents; form and scope. Requires local law-enforcement authorities to prepare in writing and provide to the principal or his designee and the division superintendent a report on (i) any suspected offense, offense for which any charge has been filed, or offense that is subject to investigation that was committed or is suspected to have been committed by a student enrolled at the school if the offense would be (a) a felony if committed by an adult, (b) a violation
HB-573: Student safety and discipline; certain reports to school principals and division superintendents.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Convirs-Fowler
Continued To 2025 In Education By Voice Vote on 01/31/2024
Stillbirth Support Grant Program; established. [HB-584]
Stillbirth Support Grant Program. Establishes the Stillbirth Support Grant Program for the purpose of providing grants to individuals who delivered a stillborn child, as defined by the bill, to assist with out-of-pocket costs associated with such delivery. Under the bill, an application for such a grant must be submitted within the same calendar year as such delivery of a stillborn child occurs.
HB-584: Stillbirth Support Grant Program; established.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores McQuinn
Stricken From Docket By Health And Human Services (22-y 0-n) on 01/23/2024
Home-based firearms dealers; prohibited near schools, penalties. [HB-585]
Home-based firearms dealers; prohibited near schools; penalties. Provides that no home-based firearms dealer, as defined in the bill, shall be engaged in the business of selling, trading, or transferring firearms at wholesale or retail within 1.5 miles of any elementary or middle school, including buildings and grounds. The bill provides that any person who willfully violates such prohibition is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for a first offense and guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor for a second or subsequent offense.
HB-585: Home-based firearms dealers; prohibited near schools, penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024