HR-48: Recognizing the week of May 11 through 17, 2025, as "National Police Week" and recognizing May 15, 2025, as "Peace Officers Memorial Day" in Pennsylvania.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Gillen
Referred To Judiciary on 01/31/2025
You have voted HR-48: Recognizing the week of May 11 through 17, 2025, as "National Police Week" and recognizing May 15, 2025, as "Peace Officers Memorial Day" in Pennsylvania..
HB-441: Further providing for legislative finding and declaration of policy and for definitions; and providing for wild native terrestrial invertebrate management.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Schlossberg
Referred To Environmental And Natural Resource Protection on 01/31/2025
You have voted HB-441: Further providing for legislative finding and declaration of policy and for definitions; and providing for wild native terrestrial invertebrate management..
Further providing for definitions. [HB-439]
An Act amending the act of October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, further providing for definitions.
HB-439: Further providing for definitions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Schlossberg
Second Consideration, With Amendments on 02/05/2025
HB-453: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; in Commonwealth services, further providing for definitions relating to intrastate mutual aid; and, in emergency responder mental wellness and stress management, further providing for definitions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Schlossberg
Referred To Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness on 02/03/2025
You have voted HB-453: In general provisions, further providing for definitions; in Commonwealth services, further providing for definitions relating to intrastate mutual aid; and, in emergency responder mental wellness and stress management, further providing for definitions..
HB-459: Designating a portion of Pennsylvania Route 352 also known as Middletown Road, from the intersection with State Route 4008, also known as Gradyville Road, in Edgmont Township, Delaware County, to the intersection with Pennsylvania Route 452, also known as North Pennell Road, in Middletown Township, Delaware County, as the Chief Joseph J. Montgomery, Jr. Memorial Highway.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Gillen
Referred To Transportation on 02/04/2025
You have voted HB-459: Designating a portion of Pennsylvania Route 352 also known as Middletown Road, from the intersection with State Route 4008, also known as Gradyville Road, in Edgmont Township, Delaware County, to the intersection with Pennsylvania Route 452, also known as North Pennell Road, in Middletown Township, Delaware County, as the Chief Joseph J. Montgomery, Jr. Memorial Highway..